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Author's Warning: This capture contains bullying scenes and in no way should be replicated. If you are being bullied, reach out for help and tell someone. If these scenes will offend you, then skip to the N O W portion of the story.


10 days after it happened and you both acted like nothing happened. You were back to your normal roles in this performance you both called life. You were back to being the shy lonely girl often picked on by the jocks, cheerleaders and anyone else in the popular category and Toshinori was his set image, the popular boy soon to be the number one hero.

You packed your books ready needed for the exam in the next five days.

All of a sudden, someone grabs your wrist and pulls you to the ground. You see that it was Enji, the worst of them all, lifting his foot, and bam right into your rib cage. Soon everyone in his group joins in on kicking you as you lie on the ground curled up in a ball, defenseless.

"Stop!" Toshinori yelled.

The jerks finally backed away but were laughing at your pathetic weakened state. You slowly brought yourself up while wincing at the new injuries you had. you knew that fresh black and blues would appear more so than they did yesterday.

You reached to get my bag only to have someone reach for it before You could. You looked up at the person eager to help, only you lowered your head downwards. You couldn't even look at him.

You felt his hand touch your shoulder, to which you flinched at the moment of contact, causing him to pull his hand back.

"J-Just leave me alone..." you muttered

" YeahToshi- leave her alone, she is just a quirkless nobody," a girl said, that got the whole class riled up with laughter.

Once she made that statement, you felt that first tear break free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. You bent forward where you sat on the floor and press your palms to the cold titles, you began to cry. You took the last strength you had to snatch your bag out of Toshinori's hand and run out of the room and away.

"Hana!" Toshinori yelled running out of the room after you, but the moment he ran down the hall and turned the corner, you were long gone.


You opened your eyes and sighed, questioning how the principal thought it was wise for you to become a counselor when you were once bullied by the teachers who were once students here.

Over a week of being here, a handful of students, mostly third years came in to speak about help with finding an agency, advice on how to break up with their loved ones, and multiple teenage boys who seemed to come in attempts to flirt with you.

Now it was well into the third week and many students were heading home now. You were resigning for the day.

"I spend more time thinking about my past than actually doing my job, consisting of nothing..."

However, you heard a knock at your door and turned towards it. You rose up and opened it.

There stood a boy with messy, dark green hair with black lowlights. His cheeks had four symmetrical freckles.

"H-Hi, are you the new school counselor?" he asked.

"I am, please come in," you stated as you moved to the side to allow the kid in.

"H-Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya and I am in class 1-A, I came because I wanted to talk to you about how to control my quirk,"

That peaked your interest. You heard of kids around the age of 4-5 developing their quirk and learning to control it at such a young age, why is it that he was having difficulties now?

"Can you tell me a bit more?"

"W-Well you see," he began, "My quirk is very strong and I am having trouble thinking about the amount of power that I want to use, so when I use it, it ends up breaking my arm and legs."

"Hm..." you began to ponder on the situation. It was such a rare case to here and yet seemed similar to a particular person, "Well, I suggest that you think about the amount of power you want to exercise before using it. I know that it won't help in a full battle situation with a villain but it will help you learn to control your quirk better for those situations."

"Can you show me how?" Izuku asked eagerly, "You see, I really want to improve on this and become a pro-hero!"

"I can't really show you," you muttered, "I am kinda quirkless, but I can demonstrate it using simple items the following weeks, before the exams."

"Yes!" Izuku cheered and soon bowed, "Thank you."

"No problem, Izuku," you replied...

Go beyond- (All Might/ Toshinori Yagi) Book 1 X OC)Where stories live. Discover now