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You just didn't know what was happening anymore. All you knew to do was run. The morning air coursed through your lungs and dried your already parched throat. Your heart was beating so fast, You were scared it would lead All Might right to you. That, or it would burst out of your chest. Both options sounded rather unappealing.

I let my hands rest on your knees as you took two deep breaths. In through your nose out through your mouth. After wiping away the beads of sweat on your forehead you took in your surroundings.

You were back at the cafe where All Might had asked you to come and meet up at.

why...Why was it that now that all you think of was the sweetness of his lips sitting on your tongue in remembrance. The fragrance of his freshly showered skin radiating off his skin when you leaned in close, how his lips felt under your own before gravity pulled us closer.

You couldn't get the kiss All Might, no, Toshinori gave you unexpectedly. You were so embarrassed and shocked from what happened but you couldn't even think beyond what happened. But what hurt you, even more, was that he didn't run after you.

Nausea swirled unrestrained in your empty stomach. Your head swam with half-formed regrets. Your heartfelt as if your blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. Your melancholy mood hung over you like a black cloud, raining your personal sorrow down on you wherever you went.

"Oh honey, are you alright?" the barista asked ran to comfort you. You shook your head side to side. You were lost for words...


"Didn't you hear that the paragon of virtue threaten the media to leave the girl that she saved alone or else?" a person gossiped to another person.

"Dude that was like 10 months ago and yet SHE IS SO COOL!!" a person from that group boasted.

Kids these days were so in tune with the internet and of course, the media would choose to make that video go viral in hopes of gaining more drive to their brand. If you thought that their story would hurt your image, you thought wrong. your fans knew the type of person you were in your hero form, too bad they wouldn't have ever guessed that you were the complete opposite of your hero persona.

Here you stood in front of the entrance of UA, motionless. Some students were already entering the school and here you were walking beside them.

Some of the students were gossiping about who you were. Others, mainly the boy students were completely in shock.

Unfortunately, you didn't have much enthusiasm for this job then you initially had. You see, you received a letter from the principal to set a date on your first day. However, after you found out you got the job of being the guidance counselor, it was announced that the world's most popular hero was going to be working here as well.

You looked at your watch and realized you were earlier than you thought you were going to be and proceeded to walk forth, and there stood the cute white mouse-bear-dog hybrid standing at the door sporting a large scar going across his face.

"Good Morning, Miss Hana! I am principal Nezu," while you blushed slightly from his gesture to shake hands with you. You crouched down to shake his paw, "We are excited that you will be teaching here!"

"T-Thank you, I am happy to teach here again..." you replied politely with a little disappointment to the fact that the man you had been trying to avoid was going to be working here.

"I know that a certain pro-hero and yourself are currently not seeing eye-to-eye for some reason," he started, "So I have placed you to be the school's guidance counselor, meaning if there is an issue with any of the students and they want to come to you for guidance or if a student has an issue with their quirk, you can give them the best advice," he stated as he walked through the huge corridors.

Students were being students, walking, chatting, gossiping.

"I will try not to align my personal life with my duties, Principal Nezu," you muttered.

"Of course, of course..." Nezu stated, "But I can see the depression that lurked behind his eyes when I asked him to teach at UA. I hope you won't mind me asking: what is the reason for you to keep your distance from All Might?"

You almost choked on his question and raised an interrogative eyebrow at the principal. You were really debating if this was All Might's plot in trying to get answers from you through someone else so they can relay the message.

"...It's just that you have reappeared after 5 years and All Might tried to reach out to you via television media, social media, and other media outlets and yet you have ignored all his attempts with meeting with him!" he continued as if it was nothing to him, "So I am curious to know why?"

You soon turned your head towards the side to hide your slightly depressed face but you knew he couldn't know the truth.

"I just can't see him right now..."

Nezu continued to stare at you but you couldn't look him in his eyes and add any more than what you said. You were pretty sure he was trying to figure it out and the tension between you two were building up.

"Well Hana, its alright because All Might doesn't know about your position in the school and also doesn't know that you are working here...yet..."

Now you were a bit lost. Principal Nezu made you aware of All Might teaching at UA before you began and even gave you a choice to back out, right after begging you to stay. However, it was quite shocking to know that he didn't even tell All Might, the same man that you were avoiding.

"I understand." You replied, "I'll do my best to guide them, however, as I stated before taking the position, I will have to leave early due to-"

"Understood," Principal Nezu continued, "And your secret about Serah and your true identity will remain that way. As far as everyone in the faculty knows, you are a quirkless Alma mater assisting in guiding our future heroes on the right path."

"Thank you..."

Go beyond- (All Might/ Toshinori Yagi) Book 1 X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora