"Oh, oh, because she's my ex-wife and will probably want to bring her oh, oh, lesbian life-partner".


"I can't believe this!" Alycia stormed into Monica's apartment, sitting down on the sofa, catching her friends attention as they looked over at her with worry.

"What happened?" Phoebe went to sit with her as Joey followed.

"My mom called me and said she was gonna celebrate Thanksgiving with her new boyfriend".

"I'm sorry, honey", Monica said from the kitchen. "You're more than welcome to join us".

"Yeah, I'll be here too. My whole family thinks I have VD", Joey said after Monica, crossing his arms and sitting back on the couch with a slight frown.

"This sucks. She was supposed to be here by now to start cooking but now she's off with my siblings to be with that jerk!", Alycia copied him

Phoebe sighed at her friends' expressions, "But at least you won't be alone. You have us".

Alycia smiled, "Thanks, Pheebs". Phoebe smiled back, hugging her friend inmediately after. "Wait, did you said you have VD?"

Joey sighed and rolled his eyes, "It's just the add I was suppose to do".

Alycia chuckled but decided not to say anything else, still not entirely in the mood for jokes.

"Just out of curiosity", Monica starts, "You don't happen to have any particular preference on how you want your potatoes, right?"

Alycia looked back at her confused, "No".

Monica smiled in relief, "Oh, then you're more than welcome to be here".

"Hey, goodbye. Thanks for everything", Rachel rushed to say as she exited her room, ready to fly to be with her family. She walks up to the kitchen, turning to look at her three friends on the couch, "Alycia, honey, shouldn't you be with your family?"

"Yeah, they're not coming".

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that", she turns around again, hitting Joey with one of her bags. "Sorry!" she apologizes.

"The most unbelievable thing just happened! Underdog has gotten away!" Chandler stumbles into the aparment.

"The balloon?" Joey asked.

"No, the actual cartoon character", Chandler replied with sarcasm. "Of course the balloon. It's all over the news. Right before it reached Macy's, he broke free and was spotted flying over Washington Square Park. I'm going to the roof, who's with me?"

The whole group inmediately decided to follow him, except for Rachel. "I can't! I gotta go".

"C'mon and eigthy foot inflatable dog loose over the city, how often does that happen?"

"Almost never", Phoebe replied, heading over the door and being the first to leave the apartment.


"Did they have to shoot him down? I mean, that was just mean", Phoebe said when they were walking down the stairs after seeing the balloon.

"I'm glad my little brother wasn't here to see that", Alycia added.

"Okay, already by now the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside", Monica smiled, changing the subject. "Why are we standing here?" she added, noticing neither of her friends were entering the apartment.

"We're waiting for you to open the door. You've got the key", Rachel answered as if it was obvious.

"No, I don't".

lacuna ➳ tribbiani.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora