Wattpad HTML for the Rest of Us: Introduction

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I'm sure all, or at least many, of you reading this will have seen pictures in the Wattpad forums. For example, someone's book cover in their post. You possibly have wondered how they have been inserted, and how to put them in yourself. You may have also seen words in blue font, and when you click on them they act like a link.

There's more than that, though. You may have seem people who can alter their text, creating bold text, italics, underlined, even strikethrough! Rarely, you may have even noticed subscript, or superscript. Sometimes, you may have seen people make their text different colors, or fonts, or even sizes.

So, how is this possible?

This is possible through HTML, something that many people aren't very knowledgeable about - and that's okay! With this guide to the HTML that can be used on Wattpad, you'll soon be able to not only understand, but use, HTML!

~James_Janzen, Ambassador


Chapter 1. What is HTML?

Chapter 2. The Basics, Revisited!

Chapter 3.

Wattpad HTML for the Rest of UsWhere stories live. Discover now