Thought Twenty-Nine. - A New Beginning.

Start from the beginning

But how do I tell him about how it really happened?

"No, of course not. I was having a bath in the hot springs, when he sneaked up on me and bit me. He left me in pain, but he paid for that after. He even punished himself for putting me through physical pain." 


That's good enough, he doesn't need to know all of the minor details. 

Neven raises his head to look at me, and his cheeks change to a dark shade of pink. He squeezes my hand a little tighter before letting go completely and walking around the small table to me. He grabs my arm and leads me to the bed. He flings me onto the mattress and stands above me, looking down at me. 

He is kind of scaring me right now, but I know that he won't hurt me. He does love me, and hurting me would cause him more pain than it would me anyways. I look up at him, trying to figure him out. I understand that he is angry right now, what about though? All I did was reassure him that I didn't allow Jones to willingly feed off of me... 


I'm such an idiot sometimes. 

Obviously he's not going to like the idea that he had actually fed from me, and caused me pain. Of course he's not going to like the visual of me in the hot springs, while Jones sneaks up on me. And of course, he's not going to like that we were seconds away from being extremely more intimate in the hot steamy water together. But fortunately for me, he is not aware of what really happened there that night. 

I hope. 

The crazed look in his eyes, is telling me the exact opposite though. I think that he does know... And now he is very angry with me. But it's not like we were committed then, not like now. 

He bends down onto the bed, and puts each of his arms on either side of me, trapping me. 

'You are mine. We share our souls, our destiny and our love. Together. Never with anyone else.' 

His voice is my head is strong, dominant and makes sense. Everything he said makes perfect sense to me, we are meant to be together. And I am his, as he is mine. 

I nod my head in agreement.

"I love you, Nev."

"I love you more, Ariel." He pauses, kissing me on the forehead and taking my hands in his.  "Now, shall we take a little walk and discuss names?" He pulls me off of the bed with him, so that we are standing face to face and hand in hand. 

What on earth is he talking about?

I look at him with a puzzled expression, and he just smiles. Oh my, that smile is heart throbbingly handsome.  He leans in the extra centimetres and places his lips to mine, sensually moving them in synch, we kiss for what seems like a long time. 

Eventually we break apart when I can no longer feel my lips, they are all swollen from our greedy kisses. As I bite my bottom lip, I remember his last question. Looking at him, mesmerized by his eyes,  I question him. 

"What names do we have to discuss?" 

He arches his brow, and gives me a sideways grin.

"Our child's name, ma' dear." 

Our child? 

I know that one day we have to have a child, in order to save the souls. Our child will be the key, the saviour. But it's going to be a while before I'm popping anything out, I mean I'm still young.


Maybe he doesn't see me as young. Probably because I have come back so many times over the centuries, and I'm always the same age. So I guess numbers don't really mean anything here. 

Devoured Destiny (Completed, but being rewritten and edited.)Where stories live. Discover now