Bonus Chapter (1)

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Note: I actually made this bonus chapter awhile ago, and I have no clue as to why I didn't post it until now. So...I hope you all enjoy!

Darkblaze raced after his brother, terror fueling his sprint. His feet kicked up clumps of grass into the face of his pursuer, and daringly, he cast a glance over his shoulder, to where Pebblewing chased furiously after the littermates.

He's going to get me!

Darkblaze spotted Springedjoint glance back at him. The black tabby felt hope prick at his chest, praying to StarClan that his brother would come back to help him. But to Darkblaze's dismay, the brown tom proceeded in running, his form flashing between the trunks of trees.

While he was distracted by the thought of his brother leaving him in the dust, Darkblaze felt his paw slip between a root and the ground. The momentum of him still running sent the tabby crashing to the ground, the breath billowing from his jaws. Fitfully, Darkblaze tugged his paw away from the root's clutches, his heart pounding with fear.

Pebblewing was right before Darkblaze as he crouched to the ground, knowing that it would be pointless to run. "G-Get away from me!" The black tabby hissed, fear evident in his mew.

Clearly, Pebblewing would not abide by Darkblaze's desperate pleas as he advanced towards the tabby, a cruel grin wrapped across his muzzle. "I do not accept disloyalty in my clan." He said coldly, bearing down on the cowering warrior.

"You're not deputy!" Darkblaze couldn't help but blurt out in the midst of his blood chilling terror.

Pebblewing tilted his head, quickly knocking Darkblaze to the ground with a swat of his paw. He planted a paw onto the tabby's throat, still wearing his cold smile. "But I will be once Robinsprawl is dead." He conceded.

Darkblaze's amber eyes grew ever larger, and he began squirming beneath Pebblewing's firm paw. "Let go of me, you piece of dung!" He yowled, his claws ripping through any scrap of fur he could reach.

Fury lit like a flame in Pebblewing's eyes, and he arched his neck away from Darkblaze. The black tabby briefly stopped struggling, thinking that the gray tom was releasing him. But before he could so much as blink, Pebblewing smirked, and dove his bared teeth into Darkblaze's neck.

Darkblaze's senses were choked by blood as everything faded around him, the last thing he could see was Pebblewing's triumphant grin, his own blood smeared across the gray cat's face.

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