Chapter Thirteen

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Edited ✔️

Small flakes of snow swirled into the ThunderClan clearing with early rays of dawn sunshine glittering between them, the small particles landing on the ground in minuscule clumps, slowly stacking up to make piles upon piles of snow. The yellow tinged clouds that breezed above deposited the substance gradually, and from the cold, harsh coughs exploded into flurries from the medicine den. Leopardstalk and Twigpool were working their tails off in fear of the gradually spreading greencough, and glimpses of the two tom's frantic states were frequent.

Snowdrift emerged from the warriors den, snowflakes immediately drifting down and clamping onto his fur. Although invisible against his white pelt, he could still feel the cold clusters of snow gathering on his pelt, and he shook the loose pieces of frost to the ground, barely able to contain the chattering of his teeth against the biting cold. He breathed out a sigh, a plume of fog whisking around his muzzle at the exhalation, and he bushed up his fur to try and remain warm, although the attempt proved to be useless as a bitter gust of wind rushed across his pelt and sent him shivering once again.

Snowdrift lifted his head as a golden she-cat beckoned him over from beside the highledge, and he instantaneously obeyed, padding swiftly over to the deputy. The white tom gave a respectful dip of his head, and Littleshine let out a small chuckle.

"No need to be so formal, Snowdrift." The white and golden she-cat meowed, a slight trill to her mew.

Snowdrift shrugged, flicking an ear as he settled down in a sitting position beside the higher ranked she-cat. Littleshine looked up at the sky, where dawn light had sifted through the clouds and sent rays of reddish sunshine into the hollow. Calmly, the deputy inclined her head to the side, averting her attention back to the white warrior. "You're up quite early." She acknowledged, flicking her tail against Snowdrift's flank to briefly catch his attention.

Once again, he shrugged, his blue eyes flicking in Littleshine's direction. "I suppose I am." He murmured, shuffling on his paws.

Searching desperately for a conversation starter, Littleshine scavenged for words, her jaws clamped shut for a few moments before speaking again, this time with humor rising her mew to a teasing purr. "So, Snowdrift. I've noticed you and Streamflower growing quite close. Have anything to say on that?" The golden cat quirked an interrogating brow, and Snowdrift felt his paws grow hot, and he began to fidget uncomfortably under her piercing stare.

"N-No." He stammered, looking at Littleshine with rounded eyes. "There has been no advancements to our relationship — er, friendship." He meowed, quickly correcting himself with a nervous duck of his head.

Snowdrift lowered himself to the ground as a small laugh burst from Littleshine's maw, a smile sprawled across her muzzle and a fretful frown across his.

"Snowdrift, it defeats the purpose of lying when you act all shamefully like that." She pointed out with a smile in her voice.

Snowdrift's neck bristled, and he shot an icy blue glare at her. "For StarClan's sake, Littleshine! Just let me contain both Streamflower and I's relationship for at least a moon before you come butting into it." He tilted his head to the side. "Please."

Littleshine huffed in amusement, her orange eyes glittering as she looked Snowdrift up and down. "Fine, fine. I'll keep your little secret." She shouldered him gently, and he let out a relieved chuckle, his fur lying flat. "Anyways, congratulations on finding yourself a mate!" Her eyes shimmered slightly with sadness, but it vanished as soon as Snowdrift spotted it.

The tom shook more flakes of snow from his fur. "Thanks." He meowed, his tail tip flicking lightly. The two fell into silence as the clan gradually awoke, the squeals of Splinterkit and Beetlekit rising from their nests shattering the morning silence.

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