The Heart Never Lies 5/6

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"Why... why are you sorry, Niall?" Harry whispered softly, as he cupped Niall's face ever so softly. 

"Because... I'm pregnant. We... We shouldn't... And I can't... I can't get rid of... it..." Niall cried, and Harry could tell he was close to being hysterical.

"Shh... I'm happy. And I love you. Why shouldn't I want a baby with you, Niall? You do make some very beautiful babies. I love Maura so, unbelivably much. And although I don't know the baby in your stomach yet, believe me, I love this baby as much as I love Maura. As much as I love you. I love you, Niall." 

Niall hummed softly, as he nuzzled into Harry's neck. 

"Thank you," Niall whispered into Harry's neck. 

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but... I can't believe I'm going to be a father. I was undescribably jealous of Liam. Of what he has with Maura. I mean, I bathe her, I help her go to sleep, I help her get from A to B, I sing her to sleep, put a band-aid on when she has a boo-boo... I do all that, and Liam is the one who gets called 'Papa'." 

Niall took Harry's hand in his own, and put Harry's hand on his flat stomach. 

"This is your baby. This baby will call you 'Papa'. So, what if, you're Hazza to Maura? Names doesn't matter, right?"

"I could be like, really corny now, and say this is a sign of how much we love each other? We're being gifted with this baby with how much we love each other."

"Stop. Please stop. You're making me and the baby sick."

"But you loooooveeeee meeeee, aaaaaand I looooooveeeee yoooouuuu," Harry mockingly sang, as Niall faked being sick. 

"Uh, we probably shouldn't tell anyone just yet, though. Not until we're sure, uh, that I'm actually pregnant, and, uh, that I won't be, uh, have a misscariage."

"Yeah... I can't believe it, though... A baby. Our baby." He kissed Niall softly, and then pecked Niall's flat stomach. "I love you little baby."

Niall giggled softly. "I love you, Harry." And as Harry went to take a shower, Niall cupped his stomach. "And I love you too, little baby..."

Harry couldn't stop grinning as he walked into rehearsals, and his shockingly good mood, didn't go  unnoticed by the other lads. Perrie and Eleanor also noticed, but didn't say anything. 

"Has anyone actually seen Sophia?" Niall asked, when he had some time to himself, slumped in Eleanor's hotelroom bed. 

"Oooh... Didn't you know? Liam broke up with her. Something about, uh, Maura." Perrie said, but then looked to Niall, who looked deeply hurt by that.

"Not like, I think she was just, jealous... that you and Liam shared something, and then, like, she wasn't really given a chance by Liam to take part of that part of his life. Uh, at least that's what Louis told me." Eleanor said, as she patted Niall's arm.

"I... That's not my fault, though!" Niall whispered.

"Of course not... but ever since you got back here, you have to admit, that Liam has been given you loads of attention, and is always around, with Maura and stuff..." Eleanor said. 

"He's her papa. And he hasn't been given me loads of attention!" Niall argued.

"Niall, come on. You do realise that Liam and Harry are, like, not talking to each other, right? That Liam is insanely jealous of the fact that Harry's got you? And that Harry is jealous of the fact that Maura isn't his biological child, and that he's terrified of Liam actually winning you over?" Perrie stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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