The Heart Never Lies 1/6

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"It's over, Niall. I have to focus on my career. I just won't have the time for you... The time you deserve... It just doesn't... I can't have a boyfriend, and be in a boyband... I..."

"But Liam, please... You said you loved me..."

"I do... But I can't be with you anymore... Goodbye, Niall..."

Niall didn't say anything. He just slumped into his bed, and muffled his crying, as he heard Liam's mutters of "I'm sorry," and the word "Goodbye, Niall." When the door slammed, Niall felt his heart break even more, and he's never felt more alone than he did when Liam walked out on him.

**~1 year later~**

"Niall?! Is it really you?!" 


"YES! I can't believe it's you... I... Come here, you!"

Niall knew he shouldn't, but he slung his arms around Eleanor, and sniffed in her smell that always calmed him down whenever Liam couldn't calm him down in the past. 

"Hey, Niall. What's wrong?" Eleanor patted his back, and ran her fingers through his hair. 

"I... Sorry. Don't know why I'm crying, to be honest." Niall shook his head, and then a muffled cry came from the back. Niall flinched.

"Sorry, I got... I got to go." 

He ran to the back, and took up the little girl from the pram she was sleeping in. 

"Is she yours?" Eleanor whispered.

"Yeah. Eleanor, meet Maura. Maura, this is Eleanor, and daddy's friend." 

"Uh, so... Did you get a girlfriend?"


"So, you didn't tell me you met someone new, and had a baby with him?!" Eleanor shrieked in excitment, and made little Maura cry.

"Sorry..." Eleanor whispered, trying to hold back her excitment. 

"It's alright." Niall hushed little Maura, before he put her back in her pram.

"So... who's the lucky Daddy?" Eleanor wriggled her eyebrows.

"I didn't meet anyone new, and had a baby with him. Nor did I get a girl pregnant. It's, uh, Liam's baby. Liam's the father." 

"Weird. I thought he would've told the guys, and there's no way Louis wouldn't tell me..."

"I didn't tell him."

"What? Why?"

"I didn't know when he broke up with me. And after he broke up with me... He didn't want anything to do with me. I... I didn't want to lose the baby. He'd take her away from me."

"He wouldn't have done that." 

"He would. I'm nobody, remember. And he's popstar extraordinare." 

"You are somebody. Don't talk down on yourself, Niall Horan. And I think it's wonderful that you named the baby after your mother." 

"Yeah... She does look like a 'Maura', doesn't she?" Niall smiled at the sleeping baby. 

Eleanor was about to reply when her phone rang. 

"Sorry, that was Louis. You should come on over. We're all staying at Zayn's and Perrie's house. I missed you so much. Perrie would love to catch up with you, and I know Louis would just love to cuddle with you. Zayn would too, come to think of it."

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