Chapter 7: Zap Me Out of Here Part 6: Nagi, Santa isn't real

Start from the beginning

"Is this good?" he asked as Kira stood back down on his feet.

Kira nodded as he started walking, supported by Syo.

It would take longer to get to the school now, but they had to do it, Syo would just have to work extra hard in order to keep Kira safe as well.

Nagi had been sitting in his classroom when the first earthquake had erupted. The school had quickly been evacuated, but after the second earthquake the entrances to the school had been blocked and parts of the building had collapsed. Nagi was now sitting under a desk trying to keep calm. The power had went out as well and he was trapped in the school. There were other kids in the room as well, but Nagi didn't care for them right now, he had to get out and fast. He was pretty scared. Of all movies it had to be a disaster movie. Like hell he would have time to look for that stupid trophy now that he was trapped. His life meant more than any trophy. Nagi knew that he had to get out of this room and out of the building, but that was easier said than done. The door to the classroom had been blocked by rubble as well and Nagi could still feel the slight shaking in the building. Another earthquake was on its way and Nagi was sure that other things would soon strike as well.

Their teacher sat with a few of the other kids and tried to comfort them, but it wasn't working, they were scared and just wanted to get out, just like Nagi.

At this point a rustle was heard from the door, and as Nagi looked he could see that the rubble that was blocking the door was being moved.

"Don't worry, we'll be with you in a second" Nagi heard a voice say from the other side of the door.

The teacher got up from the floor and walked to the door, a few of the other kids following her.

"That's a relief" she said as a man was becoming visible behind the stones.

It didn't take long before the firefighters had cleared the doorway and was escorting the small class towards the easiest exit. Nagi was still nervous though, he knew things wouldn't be so easy, either something would happen now or when they were outside.

Nagi normally liked being right, but in this situation he wish he hadn't been.

The earth started shaking again and stones and lamps started falling from the ceiling. Everybody stopped in their tracks as the building crumbled around them. A big piece of the ceiling fell down and separated Nagi from the others. He got hit by some of the rubble and the dust made him unable to see, he just knew that he was alone and that he had to find safety.

The shaking was still going on outside and it had started to rain. The water was pouring down into the building due to the holes in the ceiling and cracks in the walls. Nagi wanted to get out, but right now he was alone. He had no idea of where any of the exits were or if the others were safe, he could only hope.

Nagi continued to maneuver through the rubble and stones for a while until he heard a voice call out, "Nagi! Over here!"

Nagi turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw to his surprise Syo and Kira walking down the hallway. They were drenched and Syo was supporting Kira in his step.

"You guys, how did you get in?" Nagi asked as he ran to the two elders.

"We got here a while ago and there was an opening in the walls, but I think that's gone now" Syo explained as Nagi nodded.

"So we need to find another way out" Kira stated as he shifted his weight to his good leg.

"What happened to you?" Nagi asked as he looked to Kira's foot.

"He was stuck and sprained his ankle" Syo said as Kira nodded, a little embarrassed.

"Of course you did, it's a disaster movie" Nagi stated as he nodded in thought.

"Exactly, but where do we go?" Kira asked the question they all needed an answer to.

"We need to find another exit fast" Syo said as he looked down another hallway.

"If we are fast enough we might be able to avoid anymore earthquakes" Nagi said in a resolute voice.

"Not to be a mood ruiner, but I think we have another problem" Kira said, Nagi and Syo turned to look at the taller male and followed his gaze out the window.

There in the horizon was a hurricane.

"I hate Shining" Syo said through gritted teeth.

"Agreed" Kira and Nagi both said as they nodded.

Syo sighed deeply and turned to Nagi, "Nagi there is something I need to tell you before we die" Syo said in a melodramatic tone as he put his hands on Nagi's shoulders.

Nagi looked up at him with big expectant eyes as he watched the rain pour into the school.

Kira had turned his head to look at the two youngsters in wonder.

"Santa Claus isn't real" Syo said out loud in a sad tone as he closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Nagi's eyes grew wide as he stared at the blonde before him and Kira had to stifle a laugh.

"What the hell kind of crap is that to say before we die!" Nagi yelled out in frustration as Syo opened his eyes and stared wildly at him.

"Of course I know he isn't real you moron! I'm not six years old!" Nagi screamed as Syo's face grew blank.

"So you knew?" he asked silently.

"Of course I did you dimwit! And even if I hadn't why would you tell me that when disaster is just about to happen?" Nagi asked in frustration to Syo's actions.

"Because I didn't want you to die while still believing in that stuff, you deserved to know the truth, so that you wouldn't die as a child" Syo uttered in a melancholic voice.

Kira snorted at his answer and turned to look at the hurricane that was moving closer to them.

"I think we have to leave the trophy to the others" Kira stated.

Syo and Nagi turned their heads to look outside the window as well. For now they had bigger problems.

"This is so intense" Haruka said as she clutched a pillow close to her chest. "I can't take it" she stated again as she hid her face behind the pillow.

Tomochika was about to say something, but she was interrupted by a cough from the door. Both girls, Raging and Alexander turned their heads to look at the person in the door and was surprised to see Shining, with a big bowl of popcorn and a litre of cola.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he looked at the three people and dog.

"Watching television" Tomochika answered.

Shining nodded his head slowly as he turned to Raging.

"Why are you here?" he asked in an accusing tone.

"He tried to steal the remote control but we stopped him, and now we are watching tv with him" Haruka explained earning another nod from Shining.

Raging was about to say something, but he didn't get the chance. Shining had put his popcorn and cola down and tackled the other male.

"You stole my trophy!" he screamed at him as they tumbled out of the chair.

"Because it's mine!" Raging yelled as he pulled Shining's hair.

"Not in a million years! Which channel is it on!" Shining screamed as he bit Raging's hand.

Raging screamed out in pain and said, "I don't know I just zapped it in there" rolling around on the floor with Shining.

"You know where it is, don't lie!" Shining screamed back at him.

Again Raging was about to say something, but he was interrupted.

"Quit the fighting we are trying to watch a movie here!" Tomochika yelled as she stood up from the couch.

Shining and Raging turned their heads to look at the girl and slowly let go of each other.

"Now go sit down and enjoy the show" she said as she pointed to a pair of chairs. The two men obeyed and took a seat each in a chair. Haruka changed the channel and Shining took a big sip of his cola as he turned to watch the television. His quarrel with Raging would have to wait. 

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