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Chapter 7


As okami waits for her team, she starts to feel a very strong chakra coming from a near by land/forest.

Okami ignores it and waits for her team to investigate on the source of chakra.

She sees them though the heavy mist and waves her hand in their direction.

She walks towards them and instead of getting in the boat she walk beside it, cause there was no seats in the boat and she doesn't want to seat on Sasuke's lap, again.

She shivers in disgust at the thought of it, and walks with the boat side to side.

The chakra from before fells like its following them and just disappears out like a snape of a finger.

The mist starts to disappear alittle and they cloud see a huge bridge arching over them.

"WOW!!!" Naruto shouts out in excitement and amazement lance in his voice.

Everyone sh's him to keep his voice down and stay quiet for not to get caught.
~Okami's POV~
Few moments later

I see land and run towards it and wait for my team to catch up to me. As I wait, till I start to feel the same chakra from earlier, but something seem different it felt like there was another presence with the chakra.

I shall my head and try to find the other chakra hidden very well, I mumble under my breath and frustration with no luck, I can't find the chakra.

My team nears me and gets out of the boat and we head in an direction the old man is leading us.

In the forest

We were walking to where Tazuna lived, Naruto started to throw kunais into random bushes. I sweat drop at his stupidity.

As he shots his kunai to his right, I sense a chakra just for a moment then just vanish into thin air.

I look at Kakashi who seems to notice it too, as naruto and Sakura move the bushes out of their way. To find a snow rabbit behind it and shacking in fear at almost getting killed.

I feel chakra on a tree branch a few feet away from us and sense a blade being thrown in our direction.

"DUCK!" Kakashi shouts out while grabing Tazuna and pushing him towards the ground.

We all duck just in time, the huge sword flys towards a tree branch. "Well if it isn't the Copy Ninja." The man says, who's standing on the tree branch.

I sit down and open up my pack to find a book with Rogue ninjas and why they are considered Rogue.

I look though every page and found him,'Ah! Found it, Zabuza Momochi!' As I read his back story and how he became rouge was quite interesting actually. He killed a lot is all I have to say, just incredible!

I look up from my book and notice that their still talking, 'Weird, there's another chakra near by, but where is it coming from?'

I close my eyes and start to find where the stronge chakra is coming from and why is it just watching us?

I hear a girlish scream coming from a foot away from me, I open my eyes and see Sakura with light tears in her eyes, while holding a kunai while trembling all over.

I look forward and see kakashi lock in a water bubble surrounding his head and yelling at us to run away.

I look at Naruto who's planning something out to get kakashi out of the jutsu, I see a water clone Zabuza heading towards the two.

There isn't enough time to yell, I ran towards them and try to block the huge sword with some difficulty I manage to block it and slash the water clone.

I feel pain on my right side, I look down and see a red spot spearing on my shirt. I touch it and look at my hand, blood stains are covering it.

I start to see blurry and I couldn't hear anything, I see a blur of orange and dark blue saying something and coming closer, but I couldn't see or hear. All I feel is pain on my right side,  the wound feels bigger than I thought.

'He got closer then I thought, but..... but I blocked his attack, how did he- more pain erupts on my left shoulder, I scream out in pain.


I couldn't tell if I was conscious or not, but.....I can't feel anything, I couldn't hear anything, all I could see is pitch darkness surrounding me.

It feels like hours has pass but I knew it was only seconds, I think? I see a bright light glowing more birthed when I walk towards it....then I see a orange blur.

I clench my eyes shut and reopen them again, I sit up from where I'm laying and look around,"Okami! Are you ok? Do you need anything? Are you feeling better? How is-" Naruto gets cut off by Sakura hitting him on the head,"Why don't you just shut it!?!?!?!?"

I cover my ears from the loudness, I jerk my head up when I hear my name coming from the other side of the room.

I turn to my right and notice kakashi leaning against crunches and walking towards me, he sits next to me and explains what happened when I was knock out.

"But, but why did I felt pain in my left shoulder. I was sure that Zabuza only got me on the right side." I tell him, he nods but tells me,"Well, when you blocked his attack and destroyed it, another clone stabbed you in your left shoulder. That's why you felt pain."

We talk about the whole fighting, till the rest of team 7 enter the room. Kakashi spoke up,"Zabuza isn't really dead...."

They all have shook faces to what kakashi has just announce, I was concussed, 'What happened when I was knock out?'

Words: 993

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