14:37 PM, Friday

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"No, not there, you idiot! You're just asking to fall into the lake!" Zak groaned in response to Darryl's unexperienced tent-building, which was dangerously close to the river bank. "Didn't they teach you anything at scout camp?"

"Yeah, they taught me how to sneak in secret cans of coke and twizzlers without getting caught." He responded, giving Zak a small wink. "I had some good times." He laughed, helping Zak to move the tent. He couldn't stop a grin tugging at his lips as he watched the boy try to assemble a tent whilst reflecting on a range of scout-related 12-year old memories.

"Finished!" Zak emerged from behind the tent, his hair falling into his eyes and his t-shirt rucked up.

"Well done, Bob the Builder." Darryl applauded him sarcastically, giving him a hand up. "Was that too hard?"

"Nah, easy." Zak flexed a muscle mockingly, his eyes flickering over to Darryl for a split second before returning back to his accomplishment. "What is this, like an eight man tent?"

"One. Close guess." Darryl corrected him, his voice layered with playful sarcasm, before his eyes travelled over to the other tent-builders, observing how efficiently they had assembled their waterproof accommodation in comparison to Zak's attempts. "Ah, whatever. I'm sure the both of us could squish in there." He tried not to sound as desperate as he was.

"You cool with it?" Zak smiled.

"Beats being in a tent on my own." Darryl shrugged with a grin.

drowning in violet - skephaloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora