07:25 AM, Thursday

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For the first time in his life, Darryl actually found himself excited to go to class. He threw his backpack over his shoulder with much more power than necessary, most likely leaving a small strap-shaped bruise on his skin. He skipped down the musty dorm room corridor, stopping at least three times to make sure he wasn't sweating too much or going the wrong way. When his steps finally slowed in front of the main art building, he spotted his professor from yesterday with a smoking cigarette hanging loosely from her lipstick-stained lips. He realized she was a light cream color - not quite white - but so close that you find yourself looking twice. He was surprised that he even recognized her.

The grass tickled his exposed ankles as he admired all of the blooming flowers nesting within the courtyard. The smell of fresh raindrops and lemongrass filled his senses as his feet practically guided him to the two large brass doors of the school.

This time, the classroom was bursting with color. The shy boy in the corner was orange, cheerful and exciting; Darryl knew that he wasn't as dull as he appeared. The short but boisterous girl who asked for his notes the day prior was yellow, soft and vibrant, yet warm like the sun. He looked over at Zak's desk, expecting to see waves of blue crashing into a crimson shore, but all he saw was an empty seat.

His giddy mood dropped immediately.

His entire body felt limp. He inched slowly towards the seat, hoping that if he wished hard enough maybe Zak would appear out of thin air. The fluorescent lighting beat harshly on his face as he plopped down onto the empty seat and released a deep sigh. "Why do I even care about this," he shook his head, "we've literally only talked once."

Class carried on as normal, but Darryl felt an uncomfortable emptiness on the side of his body where Zak once sat. He was definitely going insane, he thought. Was it normal to get this attached to someone you met just the day before? Regardless, he still had the light in his eyes from when Zak had said his first words to him just 24 hours ago.

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