"Me? But..." I replied confused. 

"You've led us this far, might as well make you team leader." Mira explained smiling. 

"Your call, hero." Devan said summoning his gun. 

"Alright, follow my lead." I replied. "But don't kill anyone, clear?" 

"Clear." Mira said. 

"As you wish." Devan said as we entered the first chamber seeing Ryan was our teams first opponent. 

"Well, apparently the heroes want a round two." Ryan said summoning a massive longsword to his side. "So be it." 

He instantly charged towards Devan to try and take him out, luckily Li stepped in and defended him from Ryan's attack. 

"Nice try, now to show you how it's done." Li said pushing Ryan back. 

"Okay knight, your on." He said ready to go all-out on Li and attacking him as they both clashed with each other.

Their swords created a storm of sparks all around them until Li stepped back and nodded at me, I didn't understand what he meant until Ryan charge at me before I blocked his attack. 

"Well newbie, let's see what you got." Ryan said before I flung him back and attacked him, locking us both in a clash of strength. "So you are strong, impressive. But it's not enough." 

He instantly pushed me back as Mira suddenly disarmed him with lightning speeds, giving me an opening to kick him down and defeat him. 

"Thanks Mira." I said tying Ryan up. 

"Don't sweat it, just doing my job." Mira said smirking. 

A door behind her suddenly opened into the next chamber. 

"Still got a ways to go." Li said. 

"He's got a point, let's do this." Devan said. 

"Right." I said leading everyone into the next chamber.

We instantly arrived in the second chamber, instantly seeing our second opponent, Raven. 

"Well look who showed up." He said. "I'm going to enjoy this fight, show me what you got." 

He instantly summoned a pair of daggers and attacked me first, luckily I blocked his attack in time and knocked him back. 

"You know we don't have to fight, you can help us." I said. 

"Please, I don't pass up a fight that easily." He said. "You can try to defend yourselves, but it won't do any good." 

"Guess it's the hard way." Devan said firing a stun shot at him.

He instantly destroyed the shot and attacked me again. I dodged before Li and Mira instantly fought him off long enough for Devan to ready another stun shot. I joined in just as Redsaber instantly knocked Mira back while holding Li in a clash. I attacked him and broke the clash before both of us started to overwhelm Redsaber before Devan shot him with the stun shot, instantly paralyzing and defeating him. 

"Nice work Devan." I said. 

"Errr! You think you've won just by beating two of us, Sovereign will easily kill you." Redsaber said enraged. 

"Sovereign?" I asked. 

"She means Morgan." Mira said. "And if I'm correct, she's known as Ultima's top in-game mage, she's almost unstoppable with her magic." 

"Top mage? This could be a problem." I said concerned. 

"Relax, I'm sure with me will do it." Devan said smirking. 

"Okay, let's get this over with." I said opening the door into the next chamber to reveal Morgan as she instantly chained everyone but me down. 

"I was surprised Raven didn't stop you, looks like I'll have to kill you off. One by one." Morgan explained, paralyzing me before I could even react. 

"You won't....get away with this." I said painfully. 

"My dear girly, I already have." Morgan said summoning several small knives beside her. "Now die." 

She about stabbed my heart until an arrow shot in front of her, knocking her back before 3xcalibur jumped in front of me with her silver longsword ready. 

"You okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I'm good." I said before I noticed Morgan getting up. 

"You fool! You dare mess with the likes of me!" Morgan yelled. 

"Please. You're nothing compared to what I've faced." 3xcalibur said before charging at Morgan. She instantly fired a barrage of dark magic at her, only for her to easily destroy the shots and point her sword at her neck. 

"Go ahead. Kill me." Morgan said enraged. 

"Not a chance." 3xcalibur said. "Unlike you, I'm not a murderer." 

She instantly then knocked Morgan out, freeing me and my group. 

"Thanks, we owe you one." Mira said. 

"I believe your friends owe me three." 3xcalibur said. 

"Still, we owe you a lot, uh?" I said not knowing her name. 

"Alina, my names Alina." She replied. "Anyway, let's get through this death trap." 

"Your gonna help us?" Li said confused. 

"Aren't you a lone wolf?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but since you keep getting in trouble I'm coming with you." Alina replied.

"Fair enough." I said opening the next chamber, only five more to go...

Next: Collective II

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