Dare #11

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Amber: EWWW~ I get freaked out at just looking at blood.
Erica: *shoves test tube filled with blood in Amber's face*
Amber:*screams very high pitched*
Everyone except for Amber:*covers their ears*
Jolt: In case you were wondering, WildCatGirlMia dared us to drink Pokémon's blood. Amber is very freaked out by it.
Amber:*climbs behind couch and hides there* Nope Nope Nope nopity nope nope.
Shiny Eevee(yet to be named): What is She freaking out about?
Ella: She doesn't like blood.
Shiny Eevee: Oh...ok!
Unrcal: Wait, do we have to drink that too?
Erica: Yup.
Everyone:*runs away*
Erica: Where is everyone?
*after intense research*
Erica: Oh...their hiding in their rooms.
Next day
Erica:*makes red kool-aid and drops a test tube full of blood into it* Hehehe perfect
Everyone:*walks downstairs very tired*
Amber:*collapses on a chair* Ugh...so tired. What's for breakfast?
Erica: I made some kool-aid to help kick start with some sugar.
Liam: Please just give us something!
Erica:*pours a cup full of kool-aid for everybody with an evil grin across her face* Here you go.*drinks her kool-aid*
Sylvia:*spits out her drink* UGH! Why does it tase so thick?!
Unrcal:*throws drink on the floor* EWWW!
Mio:*drinks it* Tastes fine to me.
Mia:*drinks it* Same here.
Erica: This is fine.
Shiny Eevee: Yummy!
Ella: This is gross!
Amber: We all chug it on the count of three.
Liam: 1
Gwen: 2
Streak: 3!
Everyone:*chugs the kool-aid and swallows it*
Amber:*makes a face of disgust* Eww~ what was in our drink?!
Erica: Pokemon blood*evil grin*
Amber: EWWWWW~*wipes tongue off with a towel*
Everyone except Shiny Eevee and Erica:*starts gagging*
Erica: Even if it wasn't a prank, it was awesome seeing them suffer
Shiny Eevee:*gives Erica a high five* That was awesome!
Erica:Anyway, while the rest are choking and gagging, Until next time guys, ask or dare-
Erica & Shiny Eevee: BYE~
A/N: Seriously give Shiny Eevee a Name! I don't want to always call him "Shiny Eevee"!

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