Wedding Day

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So the day has finally arrived my wedding day . I couldn't be more nervous and so ready to get this day over with I can't wait to be reunited with my wife . Even though we have been married for four months now I feel like it's the first time .


Its my wedding day even though me and Erica have been married for four months I can't wait to become Mrs Cynthia Mena again . Since its bad luck to see the bride Erica and I are on two different sides of the castle.


These last two years have been crazy from the start when I met Cyn to the drama with me kissing Rich to the rumours about me and Chinx. On to me catching her in the bed with José. Our love have been tested but when it cane down to it we have been there for each other she has hold me down and the same as me to her . I know that this is the only person for me and I'm the only one for her.


I haven't been more happy then I am right now . Me and Erica have been through a lot to where I've almost lost her . From Mack wilds kissing me to where that crazy ass model Yuri to crazy ass Draya. But at the end of the day I have her and she has me . Today starts the rest of our life together I don't think I would want to share this moment with no one other than Erica Jasmine Mena.


As the time is getting closer am getting more and more nervous . Just then there was a knock on the door . "come in".

King: hey mommy you look beautiful

Erica: Thank you baby

Rual: hey Mena you ready

Erica: as ready as I'm gonna get . What about you are you ready.

Rual: yes am ready just as you don't start crying all over me .

Erica: ain't nobody gonna cry on you.

Rual: yeah we will see .

Erica: hey baby I need you to do something for me.

King :okay mommy what is it.

Erica: I need you to take a note to Cyn for me please .

King :okay mommy


As the time getting closer I'm getting more nervous by the second. But am so ready for this ride I can't wait to see my wife. Just then there was a knock on my door "come in"

King: hey Cyn you look beautiful

Cyn :thank you King you look very handsome your self

King: why thank you I have a note for you.

Cyn why thank you who is it from

King: mommy

Cyn okay thank you. I open Erica's note .

Dear Cyn

I know you are wondering why am writing you this note but I have something's I need to get off my chest so here it goes. I don't know what would I do or where would I be if there's no you there would be no me. Pinch me if I'm dreaming as a matter of fact let me lay there listening to your heart beat. if you ever took your love away I would die today. You are my love and my love for you Cyn is all that I need and if I had nothing more then our love I will be just fine with our love.

Your shoes can not be filled they can not wear your heels I will be just fine with you by my side .

If you want the sun then I will shine it your way and if your want a back rubbed then I will come right away . Anything thing you want from me baby you can have it your way .

I want to be where you are and everything you do . so if you packed your bags and ran away I will have to move where you are.

You know what they say that every thing life brings you to where you are today. I know what they mean cause even with all the bad I wouldn't change a thing cause it led me to you and if things were different then you would be missing.

So there's no regrets I can only thank God for the day we met . It hasn't always been a piece of cake we had mistakes to make ups and downs but we always came around and we still here stuck together longer that's what makes us stronger so there's no regrets and I can only thank god for the day that we met . Somebody up there must love me cause he gave me you. I love you Cynthia Mena .... This is your day...


After reading Erica note I'm so ready to walk down that aisle to my wife . The time can't come fast enough. Then there was a knock on the door ....

Lady: Cyn they are ready for you

Cyn okay

Mom can you hand me my crown.Yes you heard correctly my wife wanted me to feel like a princess today so I have a diamond studded crown and a pure white gown wit a long tail and diamond shoes.

My mom and sister grab the end of my dress and we head out the door.


I can't wait to get to my wife am so ready to spend the rest of our life together . Just then there was a knock on my door.

Lady: Erica they are ready for you now.

I get up and walk out the door my dress is pure white with diamond studded shoes . King and Rual have on a all white Armani suit with white Tom Fords shoes.

We head out the door and get to my horse and carriage with my pure white horse and white carriage. It stops at the end of the aisle and the music's starts as King and Rual walks me down the aisle when we reach the minister I kisses them on the cheeks and they go and sit next to my mom. just then everyone turn around and Cyn horse and carriage pulls up.


I get out my all white horse and carriage with my father holding my arm walking me down the aisle. I look ahead and see Erica standing at the end she looks so beautiful. I couldn't hold it in I started to cry. when I finally reach her the minister says who gives Cyn to Erica .

my father: Her mother and I

minister: And who give Erica to Cyn

Rual: Her son King and I


everything kinda went fast all I could remember was letting go of the the white doves and the minister saying

minister: I now pronounce you partners for life Erica you may now kiss your wife . I give to the world Mrs Erica and Cynthia Jasmine Mena.


I couldn't be more happier then I was a this moment me and my wife danced the night away. We have been through a lot to get to this point . And I will never let her go she is mine and i am hers for ever.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think . This is most likely my last chapter I really have nothing else to say but I love reading you guys stories.

In Erica's note it is lyrics to three different songs let's see if you can guess the name of the songs ✌✌✌✌✌

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