Here We Go Again

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Rual comes and pick me up and we head to club dream . Were in VIP and Rual tells me that he has invited some friends to come sit in VIP with us .

Erica:Okay that's cool

Rual: I know how you like bad bitches so these are some bad bitches

just then four bad bitches walked up omg they were hot . Be easy Erica remember what you have at home . They come up to me and these chicks are all over me control yourself Mena. They call there self "Bblu which means bad bitches link up."  The bottles are steady coming the more shots these chick take the more they are all over me . One of them starts dancing in front of me giving me a lap dance. She has on these short Short's so I pour my Moscato on her ass lord know I was wrong but I'm just having fun . I'm leaving the club after taking pictures with these chicks . I'm fully undress when I hear my front door open . what in the world who could that be


Babe where are you

Erica It can't be my baby is here

I'm up stairs . She makes her way upstairs me with the biggest smile on my face. But it doesn't look like she was happy to see me .What's wrong baby aren't you happy to see me as much as I'm happy to see you

Cyn: You will never change will you

Erica:Baby I don't understand what are you talking about. just then she shows me the video from the club all man this can't be happening. Baby that's nothing just me having fun it mean nothing Cyn .

Cyn I can't believe that you would ever change your a flirt and will always be a flirt ugh.


Baby don't do this to us now we are doing so good please just come here I missed you. As she is walking towards me my door bell rings .

CYN who could that be this late

Erica I couldn't tell you baby

Cyn I will get it

BBLU hey where Erica

Cyn: who are you and why are you looking for Erica

BBLU: were taz angles and we were sent here by kiky so fly to get her wife Erica Mena


Erica: all man this isn't good I can hear it in her voice . Yes baby

Cyn come here now

Erica I come down stairs and it was two of the chicks from the club . What's up why are y'all here

BBLU : Kiky sent us to get you

Erica okay what does she need  kinda busy my lady just got here.
Just they Cyn grabs her suit case and head out the door. Baby wait where are you going why are you leaving.

Cyn : Erica I can't do this anymore I can't be second to anyone .

Erica : baby you not second what are you talking about please come back inside let's talk about this .

Cyn for what Erica we just gonna keep doing this over and over first it was Rich now these chicks.

Erica: Baby please you say you love me if you love me like you say you do please come and talk with me.Ladies thanks but no thanks I have a woman please leave. Cyn please come baby don't leave me now come and talk to me.


What you gonna say now Erica I can't leave you alone for 5 minutes and you got bitches coming around. What is it you want from me what is it you got to say . Better yet what lie you gonna tell me now.


All I could do is look I had nothing to say I was wrong I was dead wrong way can't I get my shit right. Cyn please baby let me explain and after I finish if you still want to leave you can leave.

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