The Last Straw

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So let me update you me and Cyn has been having a lot of problems to where we have broken up. I no I no she's a good girl but we really have not seen eye to eye. OK back to the problem we are not together any more so I decided to get out and do Erica and have fun. I went to a club and brung a young lady back home with me. Thinking that I was over Cyn and can get back to the old me but I couldn't do anything but think about Cyn . So I fell a sleep with the chick in my bed I was half naked when Cyn called I guess she wanted to tell me she was on her way. Well the young lady answered my phone why in the hell she answered my phone I don't know . But she showed Cyn me half naked sleep next to her. Which bring us to Cyn getting mad once again and her coming to the house to blast me welcome to my crazy world.


after this bitch shows me Erica sleep I knew I have had enough so I was all ready on my way to Erica's house before the bitch shows me everything okay I can't call her a bitch cause I don't know her like that but me and Erica had to talk cause I was so done with her junk even though she has broke up with me I wasn't broken up with her. So I opened Erica's front door and there she was smiling like we were all good.

Erica:Hey Santana

Cyn: Mena, we need to talk

Erica:okay what about

Cyn: Erica are you serious who was that chick that answered your phone and why was she in my bed

Erica: okay first of all Cyn me and you are not together anymore second its no longer your bed there for I can have anybody in it .

Cyn: you right but Erica its only been a few weeks you mean to tell me that your over me that fast

Erica: of course not "looking into her eye I was about to break down"I can never be over you. I didn't do anything with her I couldn't because all the while I was with her I was thinking about you.

Cyn :BS Erica you mean to tell me that you had this female in my bed"our bed"and you half naked and you didn't do anything I find that hard to believe.

Erica: Its the truth okay she did kiss me but we were standing up and that's when I knew I couldn't do anything with her. Because I'm still in love with you Cyn Santana.

Cyn: I'm still in love with you too but I don't know Erica

Erica what don't you know Cyn

Cyn about us Im starting to think is love is enough for us to work this out

Erica its always enough.
I grabbed her and gave her a kiss oh how I missed those lips . We we're kissing for a little while when Sheneka walked in

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