The truth comes out

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(Emma's P.O.V.)

As Juliet said that her whole world left her because she loved someone else my mind flashed back to Ebony's funeral where she kissed her head and whispered something in her ear and I looked at Juliet and said 'You was in love with my sister' she nodded and said 'She was the only one who ever cared about me when everybidy hated me,  I realized on her wedding day that I was totally in love with her, but I never told her because she lived Eric and there was nothing I could do about it' I nodded in understanding and then said 'That's why you want me to tell Andy about how I feel, so that if anyhting happens to either of us we'll boh know the truth, so we won't regret keeping it to ourselves' she nodded and said 'I'm going tobt food you coming' I nodded and we left the bus, but as we was walking by Black Veil Brides bus there was shouting happening so I opened the door just as CC punched Andy and withput thinking I rushed to his side and said 'Why the hell are you all fighting' CC said ' he hurt you' I smiled and said ' I hurt him so it's only fair' CC shook his head and Andy said 'You still didn't deserve what I said'  I smiled and kissed his cheek and said 'It's the past' as I left I heard him whisper 'I love you' but I didn't turn back instead I grabbed Juliets hand and walkes to the food tent and grabbed as much food as I could and went back to Automatic Loveletters bus.

When we got back to the bus we went to the back  and made a little nest om the floor and but all od the food and drinks in the middle and sat near it and put The Notebook in and chilled.

After the movie finished there were tears running down both of our faces and we decided it was bedtime once we stopped crying.

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