“Yeah, take her somewhere else so that you can tell whatever story you wish to tell her. Amazing Phil!” Tia said.

By that time, my mind was just tired to hear all of them argue with each other, so I decided to end it all in my own way.

“Ok fine, Tia you tell me what is it?” I asked her.

“Zara, I can tell you everything but just please….” Steve started to say but I cut him off.

“Can you please just keep quiet for some time? You’re just creating drama out here and I’m just trying to solve this all in a peaceful manner. So now just sit here and keep quiet for some time.” I said.

“But, please listen to me first, I…”

“Quiet, I said. I’m asking her and not you. So please just sit done here quietly.” I replied and he sat down accepting his defeat. “So what do you want to tell me?” I asked turning to Tia.

“It’s just that Steve isn’t the kind of person you think he is.” She said.

“Can you please just come directly to the point? Because I don’t have that much of time to spare for your bull shit.” I replied.

“Oh so all this seems to be shit to you and you want me to come to the point directly? Great, so here it is. This so called boyfriend of yours gave you the best birthday gift ever by sleeping with Ella and in the morning he denied even taking her to his room which he did that night in front of all of us.” She started but Ruth interrupted her.

“He did that because he was drunk and he thought that she was Zara and not Ella.” Ruth said.

“Whatever. And then, when she found out that she is pregnant with his child, instead of accepting her and his own child, he abused her emotionally stating that she was a slut to sleep with him and it was all her fault and not his.” Tia said.

I was shocked to hear all this and I didn’t know how to react. And I stood there gaping at everyone who continued their argument.

“So what? I don’t even know why all of you are making such a great deal out of it. It’s fine that Steve made a mistake. Mistakes happen sometime. And Ella can just abort that child. It’s not that late to do so.” Vanessa suggested.

“No, she can’t do that because if she aborts this child, she won’t be able to conceive again. So, abortion is out of question. And that’s why we want him to accept his child at least.” James said.

I was completely broken by then. Steve had broken my trust and I just didn’t know what to say. So, I simply just walked away from there to the place where the root-cause of all this trouble resided.


I knocked violently on her door without saying a word and when she opened it, I pushed her into the house.

“So you got what you needed? You got him right. You happy now?” I shouted.

“Zara, calm down. Let me please explain this to you.”

“What will you explain? You got what you need and you ruined my life. This was your plan right?  To drag him to your bed in my absence and then act that you’re pregnant with his child, so that you can make him yours. Wow, amazing Ella.”

“This is not an act, Zara. I really am pregnant.” And she started crying.

 “Yeah, you may be. But I even doubt that you yourself know who’s the father of your child considering the fact that you’re a slut. But you know what? I don’t give a damn about if you’re speaking the truth or not.  You may consider that you’ll be able to get Steve to love you by doing all this kind of shit, but let me tell you very clearly Ella, Steve is not going to love you EVER. He may accept your child if he’s forced to do so but he’ll never accept YOU. And you’ll always repent this deed of yours and this will not let you be happy in your Life EVER. Just remember that!” I said wiping my tears off my face.

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