Chapter 9

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My United States trip didn’t turn out to be as great as I had expected it to be. Not because of the work load but simply because I was missing Steve most of the time which made it even harder to enjoy my work and the place itself. We both missed each other a lot and almost all of our conversations were based on this thing only. I kept on asking him indirectly about Ella also and he usually said she was all the same like before. Then came December 15, my birthday and I was more than just sad. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with Steve but we were miles apart. Although Alan made really good arrangements for the day but I was not able to even acknowledge his efforts. And then Steve called, 10th time in that day!

“Hey beautiful, what’s up?” He asked.

“You just called fifteen minutes ago and asked the same question. And I have the same answer. I’m not able to enjoy my day without you.” I answered in a sad tone.

“Fifteen minutes ago, I was also sad that you’re not here but now I’m alright. You know why? Because I’m throwing a party to celebrate your birthday even when I’m not there with you. I have just asked Rodick to help me with this and I’m gonna make sure that I remember this day forever! After all, it’s your birthday. “

“You’re going to celebrate my birthday without me? Sounds ridiculous! ”

“Why? I’m not going to lie in bed whole day and sulk about not being with you. I’ll just simply throw up a party and think that you are standing beside me and celebrate. It’s not ridiculous but you may call it idiotic. And that’s what I want to act like today.”

“Really, you are just a cute idiot I’m madly in love with! Now since you are also going to enjoy, I think I should also better go outside and help Alan with all the things he has been planning for me today. He knew that I would be missing you like hell today so he made some plans and I’m so pathetic that I didn’t even care to talk to him nicely. I think I should go and make up for my weird behavior.” I said.

“Yeah, I also think you should go out today and have fun. You’re in New York! There are hell lot of nice places out there. Don’t just waste your time over-thinking. I want you to be happy and smiling. Okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll try too.”

“Aright, so now I better go and make the required arrangements for tonight. Wish you a huge and happy birthday my love! Enjoy your day and I’ll call you when I finish up with my work. Love you.”

“I love you too.” I said and hung up.

He really was an idiot to put up a party to celebrate my birthday without me but then I thought it was a cute gesture. The rest of day just flew away and he didn’t call. And I also got busy with sight-seeing with Alan. When we finally got back to our rooms, it was late at night and I was too exhausted to call Steve so I just decided to call him the next morning and slept.

Next morning, I woke him up from sleep with my call.

“You’re still asleep? Oh my god, look at the time Steve, it must be 3’o clock right now in London. Don’t you have classes to attend today?” I asked him.

“3’o clock? I’m not even able to open my eyes properly right now and you’re asking me about my classes. You go there and ask Keith to hand over the notes to me after the class.” He said sleepily.

“What? How can I go to your classes? I’m in New York Steve. And you better wake up now!” I scolded him.

“New York? Oh yes, sorry. I think it’s all because of this hangover.”

“Yeah, I know that. So you drank way too much last night right?”

“Yeah, I think so and we all came back really late. I think it was 3 or 4 in the morning when we did. By the way what did you do yesterday?” He asked.

I wish I couldKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat