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      Dreams work in strange ways. They can sometimes let you know some of what your subconsious has put together and it can feel like it was a new experiance. They can feel so real that the thought of them can bring fear, anger, sadness, or something brighter into the mind of the person at any point during the day.

     My dream was possily the worst dream I have ever had in my whole life thus far. It was my mom's wedding day and I was asked to be her maid of honor. I stood behind her, looking at the smile that seemed to be perminately plastered to her face. I was so happy for her, but then I realized that there was something off about the whole thing. Instead of a priest joining my new moms in holy matramony, it was the devil himself standing there. He didn't look at my moms, instead he kept his gaze on me and Carter, who was currently standing behind his mom. "Don't you get it? You are going to be the reason this never works, and Carter is going to hate you for ruining his mom's happiness." The devil spoke to me. Then my moms turned around with dark glances to look at me. Everyone in the room stood up and walked towards me, nothing but evil in their eyes. I tried to run and escape them, but I became trapped between a wall and the rest of the people. They all found new insults to shout at me until one person reached for my throat, trying to get their hands around it to strangle me. 

    I woke up in a cold sweat. Tears escaping my eyes. I was finding it harder and harder to breathe and as I tried to regain my composer I let out a scream, unaware of what I had done until Carter was there at my side. His strong arms wrapping around me to pull me closer to him. I clasped my fist on his shirt and cried. I knew I couldn't tell him what I had dreamed about and I didn't want my moms to know either. It would crush their good spirits, and I cannot do that to them. 

    Carter held me tightly as I cried. He didn't say a single word, but he rubbed my back softly and shifted side to side gently, wanting me to calm down. "I'm s-sorry" I speak through my tears. Carter pulls back and looks at me, his hands going up to my face to wipe my hot tears off my cheeks. "You don't ever have to apologize for crying." He said to me, looking at me with concern. I nodded sheepishly, still not sure of my actions and how they go along with his. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, his voice was soft and flowed like honey from his lips. I shook my head. I wanted to talk to him about the devilish nightmare I had, but I didn't want him to assume anything. I couldn't tell anyone what I had seen within my dark dream. Carter just nodded, not wanting to argue with me or force me to talk about it. "Okay, but if you ever want to talk about it, I am here and I am ready to listen." He smiled softly, and a wave of comfort flowed over me.

    "Thank you, Carter. That really means a lot." He nodded again before pulling me into his arms once more. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held onto him. His grip on me was tight enough that I wouldn't be able to just let go of him. It was comforting and I didn't ever want him to let go, but the moment was ruined by our moms coming to wake us up. He let go of me quickly, and I was left sitting on the bed missing the warmth he had shared. Carter moved to stand by my bookshelf on the opposite side of my room and was there when our moms walked in. "Goodmorning you two." My mom says with a big smile. "How'd you sleep?" Carter smiled, "I slept well, thank you." He said to my mom. "Fine." I didn't want her to catch on to the fact that I had been crying no more than five minutes ago. She nodded, "Okay. Breakfast is in ten, we have a suprise for you both downstairs." Carter and I exchanged looks of confusion before nodding to our moms. 

    They both left my room after kissing us on the heads. I felt like it was a very cliche action. They had plotted something, and now I desprately wanted to know what it was. "Well, get out loser. I need to get dressed." I smiled at him playfully. "Whatever you say princess." He chuckled and left my room with a smirk. 

    I get up and walk to my closet and look inside. The weather has been cooler than normal and I wanted to dress a little warmer than my usual outfit of shorts and a t-shirt. I pushed through many shirts until landing on a black and white cropped sweater and dug around in a drawer until finding a pair of red high wasted jeans. 

   I slip into the shirt and the pants with very little struggle, and walked over to the dresser. I bent down and pulled open a small drawer and took out a small silver box containing some jewelry. Very carefully I reach in and pull out a pearl within a little heart shaped holder that slid gently on its thin silver chain. I smile softly as a clasp the pearl in my hand and close the little silver box before returning it to its safe spot within the dresser drawer. I stand up quickly and the room begins to spin. 

   Soon stars blurred across my vision, moving quickly like meteors falling from the sky. Not long after this happened I was on the floor with a thud. It was the last thing I remembered before it all went dark. 

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