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      After my day with Carter, the world seemed to simultaneously fall back into place. Catherine convinced my mother to kick my father out of our new home. "It is not a situation you need to put your daughter in." Catherine cooed. My mother, unable to say no to Catherine, gave in quickly, knowing that it really would be better for me if he didn't return to the safe haven that has now been made for me here.

   My mom kissed my forehead as Carter walked into the kitchen to his mother after hearing the good news about my father leaving. I smiled gently at my mom. It had been so long since I had sat down and talked to her, and I feel like I need some momma time of my own. 

    "Mom," I said softly, not wanting to disturb Carter and Catherine, "do you think that this weekend we can do something, just me and you?" This simple question put a smile on my mother's face. "Of course, honey." 


     After talking with my mom, Carter and I went up to my room to hang out a little longer. I asked Carter if he liked musicals or plays, and that started a long night of searching for different musicals for the two of us to listen to together. 

     Carter actually had quite the heart for the theater; something not a lot of people knew about him. He secretly wants to be an actor, but doesn't think he is good enough to peruse something like acting on a stage in front of a lot of people.

      "Well if you start acting then I can take lessons from you and we could act on Broadway or in movies together." I teased with a smile. Carter rolled his eyes, "Sure, then we could play each others love interests or something dumb like that, and win things like a Tony or an Oscar," he joked back with a laugh. 

     "Are you saying you want to be my love interest in a movie or something?" I asked with a smirk, knowing I would push some of his buttons that way. "Did I say that?" He asked with a small grin, "Yes, I guess I did, but only if you would want to do something like that with me." I bit my lip softly, "Oh, I don't know" I teased. "I would have to think about it."

    "It's getting late." I said looking towards my alarm clock on my bedside table. "You should probably go to your room before my mom thinks we are doing something in here." Carter chuckled and nodded. "You're right, and my mom is probably already thinking something like that." I smiled at him. "Goodnight then." I said softly, looking into his eyes. "Goodnight," he said softly back to me. Then before I could register what was happening, he kissed me, got up, and walked out of my room closing the door behind him. 

     Carter left me there, breathless, confused, and alone with only my thoughts to keep me company. I laid down on my bed, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I know our moms are not married yet, but when they get married that would make Carter and I brother and sister and then if we went any farther then it would be really bad for us and our parents. I finally understand now why foster siblings are not allowed to date one another. 

    I really need to figure this out and I can not tell my mom about what happened tonight. I can't let this transform into something that could damage the happiness of our new family. I just need to sleep and talk about this with Carter later. I closed my eyes and began to dream something that I cannot talk about with anyone, not even Carter.

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