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             After seeing my father this morning, the day just managed to get worse. Marcus wasn't at school because his girlfriend had given him the flu, Mae and Fae were out of town with their crazy mother, Nate was now trying to avoid me, although I'm not sure why, and Addy is visiting a long lost relative in Britain. I was alone for the day, and I am not sure how much longer I could wait until I could just get out. I felt like I needed to leave class, just get up, leave all my things and run. Run away from the future that I might end up having to spend with my ass of a father. 

            It seemed like the day would never end. I had not felt a moment of sanity all day, that was until I walked outside to find Carter standing, more like leaning, against his car waiting for me. I smiled a very small smile as I approached him. 

          "You ready?" he asked as he walked to the passengers side of the car to open the door for me. "I guess." I mumbled as I got inside the car. He closed the door after making sure he wasn't going to close it on my foot, and walked to the drivers side of the car. "Where to m'lady?" he asked with a dorky British accent that I couldn't help but laugh at. "I don't know. Why don't you just show me around a little bit, take me to the places you normally go with your friends." He nodded, "Alright, princess. Your wish is my command." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

      "You're such a dork, Carter." He smiled a really cheesy smile. "I know. Dork is a title I wear with pride." I laughed. The car got quiet after that. "How did you handle it?" I asked randomly. "How did I handle what?" he asked looking at me briefly before turning his attention back on the road in front of him. "Your dad and your mom separating?" Carter shook his head. "I've never met my father in person." He said, tightening his hands on the steering wheel. "He, uh, he left my my mom after she told him that she was pregnant with me. He told her that he hated her and that this whole relationship they had was a mistake. And then he was just gone." Carter bit his lip.

       "He just left you, without even knowing you." I said in disbelief. "Why would he just leave you?" "I honestly don't know. He will send me cards and things for my birthday, but that's about it." He spoke slowly, softly, almost as if he told anyone how he felt, they would leave like his father had. "I'm so sorry, Carter." I mumbled softly. "Don't be. He decided he didn't love my mother, that he didn't want me, and so he left. Instead of dealing with it like the man my mother held so high, he ran away like a coward. That's his choice." Carter spoke so calmly about it, and it made me wonder what he was thinking. 

         "I have learned from him leaving. I know that I never want my kid, if I were to have one, to go without a father. And that my mom is the bravest person I know for raising me on her own, at least until she met your mom. I would remember my mom saying that she was "Going out with friends" and not coming home until one or two in the morning. She was always so happy around me and Arora. It felt like I had my mom back." He smiled. I really underestimated him. "You really do love your mom." I said with a smile, "It is very admirable." "Thanks." he smiled softly.

      "So where are we going?" I ask, wanting to change the subject before I begin to cry. "No where in particular, we are just going to drive for a while. If that is alright with you." He said turning to look at me. "Yeah. That's fine. Anything to not have to go back to your house to face my mother, Catherine, and my father." I sighed

       "I have an idea," Carter began, "how about we play twenty questions,  it would be fun and we could get to know each other a little more." "Sure, you start." Carter nodded and bit his lip thinking of a good question to ask me. 

      "What is your favorite color?" Wow, that was not what I was expecting him to ask. "I absolutely adore teal, how about you?" "Orange, but like sunset orange. Not nasty burnt orange." That made me smile. "How would you describe your idea of a perfect day?" That was a very thought provoking question. "I would have to say, it would involve snow. Most likely in a cabin in Colorado, where I can curl up next to the fireplace with a glass of hot chocolate and a good book." Carter nodded. "So basically what you do now, just in a different place." He joked. "Ha ha, okay. If you could pick a career that you know you could never actually have, what would it be and why?" 


       We drove for hours just asking each other questions. It most likely would have continued had my stomach not rumbled, signaling to me that I needed to eat asap. Carter drove to his favorite dinner and parked the car. "You can get whatever you want, I recommend the chicken, it's fantastic." I nodded as we both got out of the car. We walked into the dinner together, still talking and laughing. We ate and talked more about life and how crazy our current situation is, it could have gone on for hours, but Catherine called Carter to let him know that we needed to get home, it was almost our curfew. 

       We drove home in silence, and it was nice. Carter drove with one hand rested on the wheel and the other on the center console. Hesitantly, I laced my fingers into his. He smiled, but continued to be silent. I figured to say anything would mean ruining the moment, so I, too, stayed quiet. All the way home, we sat like this. I honestly wished that this moment would never end. 

      But sadly, all good things do end. Even if we believe that they won't.

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