Suddenly, the door opens. My head snaps up and I try to keep my expression neutral for what's to come.

"Liam, what are you doing?"

Liam comes in and closes the door behind him. Before the door is fully closed, I notice two thick headed guards on either side of the door. One of them licks their lips at me, then he's gone.

I try to surpress the way my skin is crawling and instead I focus on Liam.

He walks over to me and kneels down so he's face to face with me.

"Well, first of all, I brought you these. I figured you were cold." He pulls out a pair of pale blue socks and puts them on my feet.

I look down at him, confused. "Um.. thanks, I guess. But I don't understand. Why are you suddenly being nice to me? I thought you hated me from the way you were acting before."

He doesn't look at me, he just continues to fiddle with the socks as he speaks. "Ellie, I could never hate you. I just... well that was all an act. I just wanted to keep you out of this. But I've realized that you are right. You're pretty much stuck in this horrible situation and you should know. So let me explain, please."

I smile slightly, glad to have my best friend sort of back and glad to know I was right about the true Liam being in there. Although I am still unsure if I can trust him or not, I keep my smile up anyway. "I'm all ears, Li."

He takes a deep breath and his eyes meet mine. "Well-"

Liam's voice is cut off by a blaring alarm.

Next to me, Zayn startles awake, his eyes wide. "What the fuck is going on?!"

"I don't know, it just started!" The alarm is so loud we almost have to scream to hear each other.

We both look to Liam for an answer.

"That probably means that there's been a breach!"

I go to yell something again when gunshots begin to go off. Suddenly, the bright white lights in the room turn red.

Liam stands up abruptly and begins to untie the ropes that are holding me down.

"Shit, shit, shit! This is bad!" His words gives me a panicky feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"What do you mean?!"

Liam looks at me, his eyes dim. "A rival gang is probably here to kill us all!"

Next to us, Zayn starts to violently attempt to get free of his own ropes.

"Zayn, stop! You might hurt yourself!"

He ignores me and continues. "I'll be damned if I let some scum kill us before we get a chance to escape! I'll kill them with my bare hands!"

I almost want to tell him that's highly unlikely due to his broken leg, but I keep my thoughts to myself.

Liam is finally able to free my hands and moves to my feet. I shake my hands to get some feeling back into them, then I help Liam untie my feet.

During all of this, shots are still ringing through the air and the sounds of dying moans fills my ears.

Once I'm completely free, I stand up to help Zayn get free. Wobbling a little, I immediately start to untie Zayn's hands. Somehow he's already got his feet free through random thrashing.

Once the rope falls off Zayn hurriedly stands up, only to fall over. I catch his heavy body and wave Liam over to help.

"We have to get the hell out of here. Liam, do you have a weapon?" He nods and pulls out a gun strapped to his back. I take it from him.

"Okay, you lead the way with Zayn, and I will watch your backs, okay?"

Liam frowns at me. "Ellie, are you sure you know how to use that?"

"Liam, this is no time for negotiating. We have to go." He nods and hobbles over to the door, opening it.

The two guards that were outside are gone. Although with the various blood stains, it's not hard to figure out what happened to them. Liam pauses at the site but keeps going.

Gunshots and distant yelling can still be heard but, thankfully it sounds far away. As we walk down the long hallway, I notice that we are in some underground basement of sorts. The walls are brick and the air is damp and cold. There are windows, but it looks like they're blocked out or somebody painted them black.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. Before I can think I turn around and shoot.

A gasp falls out of my mouth.


《Hey guys!!! Lol, so sorry for the cliffhanger but I loveeee cliffhangers! Until next time :)

So somehow, this chapter deleted itself, so sorry about that! Idk wtf happened 》

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