Part 15

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Sana POV

Speaker: flight America to Korea please go to gate 5
RM: guys lets go

we all went to gate 5 and waited for a while.

JM : SANA! can u seat next to me ?
S : no
JM : but ple-
S : no, i want to seat next to minji
JM : kay fine

Jimin POV

JM : minji - ah !
MJ : yeah ?
JM : can i switch places with you later ?
MJ : why ?
JM : umm...
MJ : you want to sit next to Sana ?
JM : no..
MJ : its okay:) haha
JM : hehe

when we all went to the aeroplane, i saw sana sitting and waiting for minji. i went there sitting next to her.

S : hey! what r u doing here ? where is minji ?
JM : she wanted to sit next to taehyung that's why
S : im switching with taehyung

when sana stood up to go to taehyung, the seatbelt sign was on. thankyou seatbelt sign.

JM : look! the seatbelt sign is on!
S : what?

i pushed sana and let her to sit down and i installed the seatbelt for her.

Sana POV

S : yah ! i dont want to sit here !
JM : ( grins )
S : aish

when i was playing with my phone. jimin holds my hand and locks my hand with him. i looked at him, but he didnt looked back at me.

when the flight flew. i was so boring.. but i was so dizzy at that time so i slept.

few hours later..

when i woke up, i realised that i was leaning on jimins shoulder. i was like what the hell. then i felt jimin is rubbing my head while he is closing his eyes.

i woke up and and stood up to go to the bathroom.

i was sitting next to the window so it was hard for me to go to the aisle.

JM : where r u going ? ( while closing the way )
S : yah! im gong to the bathroom.
JM : i want to go with u :)
S : what? NO WAY

Jimin held my hand and he pushed me to the bathroom and locks the door.

S : yah! jimin let me out! (whispers)
JM : jagiya.. im sorry about earlier
S : get out jimin! (whispers)

Jimin lean closer to me.

S : yah.. jimin

then he kisses me. i was blushing. he lean back

JM : r u blushing? ( grins )
S : what? no way..
JM : yeah right..

then he kisses me again.

Author's Note : hope you enjoyed part 15!
k bye:)

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