Part 9

452 17 3

Sana POV

We we're still in the aeroplane. After like 2 more hours soon, the aeroplane will land safetly.

But Jimin is.. Sleeping. I took a picture of him.. Hehe it was kinda cute.

2 Hours later..

Speaker : We will be landing for a few more minutes..
S : Yay.. The plane is landing!! Jimin.. Jimin wake up!!
JM : What?
S : The plane is landing!!
JM : Really ? Yay !

We peeked through the window and saw America. I was excited!

Speaker : The plane has just landed please pack your things and enjoy your life in America.

We packed our things. We went out from the aeroplane and went to the airport..

We called a bus and waited for 25 minutes for it to arrive..

I felt something on my hand.. I can feel Jimin small hands holding it.. I didn't feel angry at all.. I kinda liked it. I turned at Jimin and smiled.

JM : Seriously you're not angry about this ?
S : Why would I ?
JM : *smiles*

Then.. Something was disturbing me.. It was right infront of my face.. It was a... DRAGONFLY! I screamed when I saw it... I waved my hands and the dragonfly just spins around at me.. I was so scared that I fell and I was sitting on the floor still waving..

JM : The dragonfly is gone Sana.. It's okay
S : Really ?

I slowly opened my eyes...

JM : I ate the dragonfly..
S : Eww..
JM : HAHA just kidding

He held his hand to me to help me get up.

S : Thanks..
JM : Anything for my sweetie~

He pinches my nose

S : Oww..

When the bus arrives , we all went in. Jimin  was sitting next to me.. Man he always follows me.

I was checking my phone.. I was scrolling in social medias , then Jimin snatched my phone from me!

S : Yah! My phone!
JM : Can u just focus on me ?
S : No !
JM : *pouting*
S : ..... Stop that ....

I saw his phone in his pocket then.. I TOOK IT MUAHAHAHA!

JM : Yah!
S : You took my phone and I will take yours * sticking out my tounge*
JM : Oh no you didn't

I scrolled down at his gallery to find some of his selfies hehehe

JM : No! Don't look at my gallery!

When I was still scrolling.. I saw a picture of his abs.. MANY pictures of his abs..

S : Uhh... Well.. This is embarassing..H-here's your p-phone..
JM : I told you..

Author's Note : Hey guys!! I know I didn't wrote about ARMYs saw BTS but.. I don't know how to write it so.. I was just thinking to right it into a different way ;)

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