Entry #5 (M)

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TRIGGER WARNING: The following chapter may contain scenes that are not suitable for young readers, so please be guided. We're gonna venture to the slightly *coughs* mature part so kids, If you're below 18 please PLEASE please skip this chapter. (Or not. Whatever.) You have been warned tho. LISTEN TO YOUR EONNI/NOONA! K that's all lezz go~

February 3, 2017

It's Friday night and I'm looking for harry potter fanfictions on the net when Jin-hyung came bursting through the door like the building is on fire.

"Kook-ah! LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT!" he said, practically buzzing with excitement, and shoved what looks like a box of cards in my face.

I pushed his hand away so I can look at the box properly, and Holy Guacamole.


I almost cheered along with him, but I remembered something.

"This is supposed to be played by four or more people though.." I gestured between the two of us so he'd get my point.

"WORRY NOT, MY UNSOCIABLE FRIEND! I INVITED PEOPLE OVER!" he said, the veins on his neck protruding. "In fact, they should be here in.." he looked at his phone. "20 minutes."

I stared at him dumbly.

"Seriously?" I said, still unconvinced.

"DUH? Do I ever kid around with you? We have tons of liquor in the fridge, I ordered pizza, and I'm gonna cook pasta for everyone so stop being a sulky motherfucker and help me clean the apartment up." He widened his eyes at me and tapped his wrist. "20 minutes. Chop-chop!" then shut the bedroom door.

I shook my head and shut my laptop off, grumbling.

"..You need to socialize sometimes, otherwise you're gonna be a virgin forever!" I hear him shout from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my shirt over my head, changing into a plain white one.

This is gonna be a long night.


I heard them before I saw them.

Hoseok's voice can be heard from beyond closed doors. "PIZZA PARTYYYYYYY!" (he pronounced it as pee-chah pah-ti) and a collective knock can be heard a few seconds after.

I opened the door, revealing a smiling Hoseok, Yoongi (who has his earphones in 90% of the time), Jimin, and..


"Hyung?" I shouted, not taking my eyes off the person right beside Jimin. "Can you come here for a sec?"

"WHAT?" Jin-hyung answered, then appeared from the kitchen, holding a serving spoon. "I told you to help me, you useless piece of shi--" he stopped in his tracks when he saw the group crowding the door.

His expression was weird when he laid eyes on the guy, almost like he wants to say something but held himself back.

I snorted, looking between him and the guy.

"Oh, Hi! I don't think we've met before?" hyung extended his arm to the guy and smiled as if he didn't just curse like a sailor three seconds ago,"I'm Jin."

The guy smiled back. his eyes disappeared into slits when he did. He also has dimples and is really tall. almost as tall as Mr. Ki--

Really, Jungkook? you're gonna think of that asshole right now?

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