Entry #1

45 3 2

January 22, 2017

I woke up early. Hearing the birds singing from the window, accompanied by Jin-hyung's alarm tone, "Material Girl" by Madonna, and all I wanted was for them to shut the fuck up.

I groaned, already regretting the fact that I chose him as a roommate.(not that I had any other choice to begin with, since he's my best and only friend.)

I got up, muttering incoherently under my breath. Then I nudged his hip with my right foot.

"Jin-hyung," I groggily said.

"Mmmmm." he scrunched his face, scratched his nose, turned on his other side and fell back asleep, facing the wall.

What the fuck?

"Hyuuuuung," I repeated, poking his shoulder through the blanket. This time I got no reaction.

I roll my eyes. I turned to his nightstand and picked up his phone to try to turn off the alarm. I feel like Madonna's already singing inside my skull, How can he not hear this?

It says 6:31. Why would he have to get up this early? It's Sunday.

I swiped my finger on the screen, successfully turning the alarm off. Ah, finally. Peace and quie--

"Like a virgin, touched for the very first time! ~" the phone started going off again.

I was so startled I almost threw it out the window.

This time, someone's calling him and it needs his fingerprint. It just says BB with a bunch of emojis right beside it. I cringed. It's so sweet I'm gonna have diabetes.

I resisted the urge to strangle hyung, since there's a saying that goes, "Hyungs before fumes".

But of course I'm just messing with you. That shit doesn't exist. So I took a deep breath and shouted at the top of my lungs:


"Wha--How--" he jolted awake, pillows flying everywhere. He almost gave himself a blackeye when his face bumped with one of the corners of the bed, and fell over.

I fell over too, but only because I'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe.

His eyes narrowed into slits, a small bump already forming on his cheek.

"You are such a fucking dick," he said, glared at me for a few seconds and managed to stumble twice before getting to the bathroom.

I laughed louder. He's a total drama queen.


After a solid hour, the bathroom door swung open.

"Good morning, Jungkook-ah! It's such a nice day, isn't it?" he said cheerfully, having been reborn after taking a shower.

"I guess so," I deadpanned, not really paying attention because I'm fumbling with the remote control.

"Are you watching Harry Potter again?" he asked, incredulous.

Hell yeah, I am. Got any problems with that?

"Yep. Potterhead for life." I unenthusiastically said, gesturing to the collection of Harry Potter merchandise on my side of the apartment.

We divided the apartment for very obvious reasons:
1. Jin-hyung's stuff is always a mess and I'm a neat freak.
2. Even though he's a good cook and is the most caring person I know, I don't want him anywhere near my food because he's a klutz and might accidentally poison us both.
3. He owns so much pink stuff, it's disturbing.
4. This is the most important one: HE DOESN'T LIKE HARRY POTTER. I have lived for almost 20 years and I'm telling you, that's practically illegal.

"Oh well, goodluck with that. I'm heading out. IT'S ANOTHER DAY TO SLAY!" he shouted, slamming the door on his way out.

What a diva.


It was almost 10 when I decided to go out and get some coffee.

I was walking down the road, minding my own business. Then Park Jimin appeared out of nowhere, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Hi, Jungkook! Lookin' good today!" he says, eyes twinkling. I'm wearing a ratty old shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. I'm pretty sure I don't look any better than the homeless people swarming subway stations every winter. Go figure.

You see, the thing with Jimin is that he literally flirts with everything that moves. He's also good at dancing, singing, and making everyone fall for his bullshit. But nope, not me.


"Thanks," I smiled forcefully, trying to avoid his eyes. Then I continued walking.

"Why the rush? Do you have any plans today? wanna hang out at my place?" he asked, trying to block my way.

I sighed. I'm determined to have zero social interaction today. I just want my damn coffee.

"I have to study for literature. But thanks for the offer though," I replied nonchalantly, already eyeing the coffee shop three blocks ahead.

"Really? You're gonna read all day? I hate reading, it's boring."

I don't remember asking.

"Don't you have anywhere to be, Jimin-ah?" I replied impatiently. He shook his head, not getting the idea.

"Nah, I just--" he was interrupted when someone bumped into him. I can't see half of the other guy's face, thanks to the facemask he's wearing, but--

Damn, his eyes.

His eyes are this wonderful shade of brown, but I can't really tell because he's trying to hide them.

"HEY! Watch it, man!" Jimin complained. I almost rolled my eyes at that exact moment, but then the other guy spoke.

"Sorry," his voice is deep, gravelly and, Holy fucking shit,
I think I want to marry his voice.

I'm still standing on the sidewalk a few seconds after he disappeared into the crowd like a fucking retard in a music video when Jimin cleared his throat.

"Who's that guy?" he asked, eyeing me curiously.

I shrugged, because I was wondering the same thing.

Who is he, and why do I feel like my heart would fall out of my chest?

Heart = 1
Jungkook = 0


CHAPTER ONE IS OUUUUUT! HOW WAS IT? Hope you guys like it! *crosses fingers*

- mrlyn xo

The Diary of an IntrovertOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz