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A lot of things happen when you're single AND an introvert.

1. You have an external hard drive full of movies, series, and lame ass music videos.

2. You literally don't care what you look like at school, at home, or anywhere, really.

3. You sleep more than what is considered normal.

4. You have more friends on social media than you do in real life. (Internet superstar, real life nobody. I can almost hear your ancestors crying.)

5. Coffee is a necessity, because you have an endless reading list that you'll never EVER finish.

6. Your sex life usually involves your hand, some lotion, some questionable cloth that smells strange for some reason, (or tissue paper, it often does the job. *wink*) and your secret stash of porn. (I won't tell your mom, I promise.)

7. You have the most unimaginable fantasy to be with someone who doesn't even know you exist. (been there, done that.)

8. You're tempted to fake an amnesia everytime someone greets you hello, just so you won't have to say it back. (Just don't call my name in public, please.)

9. Your bed has a perfect indentation in the shape of your butt cheeks.

10. Your room rarely sees daylight. (Because, you know, you'll crumble to dust if sunlight reaches you.*hiss*)

I could go on with this list forever and still not have enough time to define my utter singleness, (introvertness? I dunno. these aren't even words WTF.) but the point is, It's awesome and awful at the same time.

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. How rude of me. Hi! I'm Jeon Jungkook and this is my diary. If you're reading this, you better hide.

Because I will find you. AND. I. WILL. BURN. YOUR. HOUSE DOWN. WITH. YOU. IN. IT.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the BTS members. Please be reminded that this is purely fictional and written out of boredom, so bear with me. Haha. Also, HIIIII I'M BACK. I MISSED Y'ALL.

Comments, suggestions, feedbacks, and complaints are welcome as long as they're not hurtful. BE NICE TO YOUR FELLOW HUMAN!


-mrlyn xo

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