Entry #2

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January 24,2017

I usually don't catch a ride with Jin-hyung to school, but when I do, It's a really bad day and I'm in the middle of a life and death situation.

Today is one of those days.

You see, I'm running late for my first class and on top of that, I have a research paper due this afternoon that I happen to have forgotten about last weekend. Great, right?

Oh, but it gets worse. Sure, there's nothing wrong with being a bit late for class, since we're all basically half-awake and just trying to function during morning classes and blah blah, but we're talking about Mr. Kim here. The Mr. Kim.

Aside from being our Math teacher, he's very bald, very old, has an attitude problem, and is very sensitive with his time. He once told us that those who come late have no respect for those who are waiting for them. So when the morning bell rings, he locks all the doors, starts class, and gives out detention slips to those who didn't make it in time. No buts, No excuses.

I have never been in detention for all my 19 years, and I wasn't planning on starting now. My parents would have my balls if they ever heard anything that could tamper with my school records, since I'm an honor student and all.

Anyway, class starts at 7:30. We need 30 minutes to get there by car. I need 45 minutes if I'm gonna ride the bus, so I chose to stick with hyung, hoping to save my ass.

Jin-hyung's been fixing his hair for the past half-hour and I don't think he's gonna be finished anytime soon. I ran a hand over my face.

"Hyung, we have to go. We're gonna be late for class," I muttered impatiently.

"Just gimme a sec to put some makeup on and-"

"Can't you do that later? We really have to go. NOW."

"But Namjoon-ssi will see my bare face and I don't-"

"NAMJOON-HYUNG DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU, SO CAN WE JUST PLEASE GO?" His hands stopped midair, BB cream still stuck on his finger. He put the tube down, eyes getting dark.


I held my breath. I shouldn't have said that.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" he shouted, voice sharper than knives.

I flinched, shaking my head because I absolutely have no filter sometimes.

I see hurt flash in his eyes, and it makes me feel like the worst person in the world.

"Hyung, I'm sorry-" I said, and tried to step closer to him, but he held his palm up, stopping me.

"Save it." He muttered coldly, his handsome features tightening in restrained anger.

He left without another word, and I pinched my eyes close, Disappointment seeping into my pores.

Sometimes I can be a real asshole.

I look at the clock. 7:10. Fuck.


I arrive a few minutes after 8, already preparing myself for my impending doom.

Shit, I'll get detention, then I'll get depressed with my tainted record, and then I'll lose all my desire to study, then I won't be able to apply for a good job, then I'll be homeless, Oh God--

I stumbled over someone's feet, barely catching myself before I collide with the floor.

I look back, astonished. I saw feet covered in black boots, feminine legs clad in leather pants, and pale, pale skin, almost as white as the t-shirt he's wearing.

I look up at his face, and it registers that I'm looking at Min Yoongi, his eyes closed and earphones in.

"Door's closed," he mumbles without opening his eyes and gestures vaguely to the door he's sitting right next to.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"Um..Okay? I can see that?" I muttered awkwardly, trying to decide wether I should sit beside him or not.

He scoffed. "Honestly, who even goes to school at 7:30 in the fucking morning? Wimps, probably." Uh, I do. He opened his eyes. "Are you just gonna stand there or what?" He said, his voice getting louder and I startled, eyes wide.

I was about to sit next to Yoongi when I heard someone calling my name. "Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook!" I know that voice.

Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him, Please--

"YA!" Jimin's coming at me like a bulldozer and for a moment I was scared for my life.

He stopped right in front of me, panting. "Mr. Han's looking for you, said you should go to his office immediately!" he's making frantic gestures with his hands, none of which I understand.

"Excuse me, what?" I stare at him dumbly.


"But..but why? What did I do?" I mentally calculate the amount of times I've done something wrong or even frowned upon, coming up with none.

Well, aside from the fact that I'm late for Mr. Kim's class.

"The hell if I know? He just told me to call you! Just get your ass in there before we both get into trouble!" He said, exasperated. I have no choice but to follow him, so I headed towards the principal's office, my mind full of questions.


I knock lightly on the door, trying my best to keep my anxiety at bay. Can this day get any worse?

"Come in," a deep but kind voice mumbled from inside.

I turned the knob, my palms and eyebrows already sweating, my head bowed. I didn't do anything to deserve this kind of stress.

I looked up and saw Mr. Han clad in his charcoal gray work suit, wide-rimmed glasses perched on his nose.

"Mr. Kim, This is Jeon Jungkook, one of our best students. He's good at almost everything, and if you need assistance with anything, anything at all, he's your guy." he points in my direction with pride in his eyes.

"Jungkook-ssi, this is Mr. Kim, your new literature teacher." He gestures to the man sitting in one of the chairs at the front of his desk and I thought, We already have enough Mr.Kims in this school, why do you feel the need to hire more?

The man nodded absentmindedly, His broad torso showing underneath the magazine he's holding in front of his face. He's wearing a black business suit and I roll my eyes at how much his outfit exudes arrogance.

But then the man brought down the magazine, and--




I think I forgot how to breathe.

He has light brown hair, lips that are too perfect to exist, and his eyes.. his eyes! I remember those eyes and almost wished I didn't.

He stood up and took three easy strides to stand in front of me, and I had to crane my neck a little to look up at him.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook-ssi. I'm Kim Taehyung. You can call me Mr. Kim." the corner of his mouth lifted up a little, his hand held out for me to shake.

I did, embarassingly eager. He gripped my hand and our eyes locked, and I think I feel myself blush.




-mrlyn xo

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