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They'd been married almost a year already. She was able to rent out her house in Georgia, and the renters were considering buying soon. After she left the Sheriff's Department to move to Maryland, she was offered a job working on Max's team as the female liaison. She would be doing more of what she loved: helping people out of bad situations, and defending the innocent.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Paul came in from outside as Amanda put the finishing touches on her make-up and grabbed her purse. They had only landed yesterday. Today had been crazy. She and Paul were headed to a wedding.

She ran out and jumped into the rental. The wedding was starting in thirty minutes. She was the Matron of Honor. Paul was also in the wedding party as a groomsman.

As they drove to the venue, an outdoor ceremony by the beach in Oceanside, Amanda's mind went to the conversation with Paul the night before.


"So, how do you feel about July?" Amanda asked as they were getting ready for bed.

"What do you mean, Mandy?"

She couldn't contain her smile from him. Paul let out a low laugh, catching on to what she was alluding to. "Really, baby? July?"

"If I calculated correctly, July. But, that's just a target. Really, two weeks on either side is about right."

"Are you sure?" Paul seemed almost giddy.

"As sure as I can be. I have to get confirmation before I know absolutely, but my heart says it, and my body is definitely revolting against me."

He placed his hands on her lower abdomen. Amanda thought she saw a tear escape. He was quiet for several minutes. He leaned over and kissed her where his hands were placed, then looked into her eyes and smiled.

The lovemaking that followed had been the sweetest, and most intense, that they'd shared in a while. She liked how he showed his feelings, for sure.


"How are you feeling today, sweety?" Paul asked. He'd been so attentive since she told him last night about her pregnancy. She was glad. He was a good guy. He'd make a wonderful dad.

"For the twentieth time today, I feel alright." she said with a grin that told him she was teasing before she continued. "I wasn't too queasy this morning, but I have to take it easy. I'm so thrilled Alyssa and Ray asked us to be a part of this. I'm still surprised at all that happened after we left Kansas."

"I know what you mean. I never in a million years would've thought her in-laws to pull a stunt like that, but they sure did go above and beyond to make up for it."

"I think they did the right thing. I mean, they torched her car. They needed to give her another one. And I like the fact that they offered to buy a house." Amanda smiled at the thought of Alyssa and Ray owning a home together at the start. Most people had to work a few years first.

"I think Ray already has a house, right?" Paul asked.

"Yes, but Roger paid it off in full, and bought some of the land on either side of Ray's lot just so the kids could have a bigger yard. Roger recovered decently from his burn injury, from what I understand. The kicker, and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it myself, is that Alyssa forgave them everything. She still lets the kids stay over with them, if Allen is there, weekends and longer if they want. I'm just not sure how Millie handles that. I guess she is learning to cope."

"From what I understand, she's done a complete one-eighty in her life. They're all supposed to be at the wedding. Can you imagine ex-in-law's at a wedding? Who does that?"

"I don't know, Paul, but it will certainly be entertaining to see, won't it?"

"Yes, and Alyssa has the heart of a saint. I could learn a few things from her example."

"We all could, dear. We all could!" Amanda took in a breath upon seeing the beach with the Wedding Awning set up. It was beautifully decorated with many different colors, and types, of flowers.

The scene before her took her by total surprise. Millie was holding both children on her lap, and they were laughing with her. Allen was talking and laughing with the guys from Sight Unseen" with Melanie on his arm like they belonged there. Strange, Amanda thought, very strange.

The wedding party took their places up front instead of walking down the aisle, and the minister cued the violinist to begin the "Wedding March."

Alyssa came down the small aisle with her parents escorting her. She was beaming. Ray was too.

Amanda caught Paul's eye and he mouthed, "I love you" to her as their friend's ceremony began.

They had much to celebrate, and this new life would add more joy to their already happy marriage.


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