Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Josh looked at the other guys, and came up with a plan. “Okay, guys, here’s the plan so far. We are going to have to move Alyssa and the kids, and find a way to do it where they don’t see our every move.

 I say we go a town over and get two suites at an extended stay hotel. We’ll have to wait until late to move them. Having a police officer on the wrong side of the law, what an oxymoron, makes moving difficult, but we’ll find a way. I’m taking Al to rent a van, so we can all travel together, leaving Mig and Ray for Alyssa’s protection.”

 Alyssa walked in, worry over Amanda etched in her face. “I want to be able to stay in touch with Paul in case he has news.”

“Not to worry. We all have his cell number, and he has all of ours. We exchanged them early on. He will call us when he can, okay?” Ray’s soothing voice calmed her down.

 “Okay. I’m so worried about her. She’s become a very good friend since coming to California.”

 “So, we have a plan. We’ll be back soon. Mig, can you make the hotel arrangements?”

 “Got it, boss. See you when you get back.”


 Paul and his parents arrived at the hospital and went into emergency. As he approached the desk, John appeared. “I heard it over the scanner. This is crazy. I’ve already talked to the chief on his personal phone and he’s putting Jamison on suspension without pay until this is resolved. I’m on my way to talk to a judge about a warrant for the other Jamison, and possibly Roger McDonald too.”

 “Thanks, man. I appreciate it. As soon as I know where she is, I have to call Max, her mom, and her team in Georgia. This lady is special to many people.”

 “Is there anything I can do to help?” John offered, sincerely.

 Paul looked down at Amanda’s blood stain. He hadn’t even realized it had tinged his shirt. “Honestly? I could use a change of clothes and a cup of coffee.” Paul was beyond worried and approaching panicked.

 “I’ll grab coffee first, and then I’ll swing by your folks’ place for clothes. Let me know if you need anything else, alright?”

 Paul just nodded and went to the attendant at the desk for information about Amanda. “She’s been taken into emergency surgery. I’ll have an orderly show you where you and your family can wait.” He agreed without verbalizing, for fear he’d break down and cry. He had to make some phone calls.

 He first called Amanda’s mom. “Hi. This is Paul.” When his voice cracked, Judy became scared. She’d met Paul on one of their many trips and she knew that Amanda was with Paul on an assignment. If he was calling her, something had happened to her baby. "Amanda was shot tonight.” He started crying, which made Judy cry. “She’s in surgery right now. I haven’t even talked to a doctor yet. She was supposed to call you tomorrow to tell you we were getting married.” He was crying harder and had to hand the phone to his mom.

 “Hi, this is Lorraine. I’m Paul’s mom. We don’t’ know anything else. We wanted to call you.”

 “Thanks, Lorraine. I appreciate it. I will be on the first flight I can get out of here, okay?”

 “Okay. I’m sure Amanda will be glad to see you.”



 “When did they decide to get married? I’m so glad Amanda is ready again. It’s just, the last time I talked to her, she wasn’t sure if she ever could fall in love again.”

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