Chapter 5: Zap Me Out of Here Part 4: Run and Hide, It's Satsuki!

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"Let's keep on moving before this killer finds us" Shion suggested as he turned around.

"You are right, last time we were in some sort of Halloween thing, we almost died" Eiji stated, thinking back to last Halloween.

"True" Masato said as he followed Shion, slightly shivering at the memory.

"By the way Shion, how did you find us?" Eiji asked in curiosity.

Shion turned around to look at the two, and for a moment Masato thought they had made a big mistake in following him, what if Shion was the killer.

"I followed your screaming" Shion stated as he looked to Eiji with an unamused look.

Masato relaxed again, that did make sense. But if Shion had heard the screaming, the killer probably had too, another reason for them to get out of there.

The three continued to walk through the dark forest for a while until they reached an open space. The place was filled with tents and remains from a fire. It looked like somebody had been fighting there, and Masato certainly didn't grow any calmer when he spotted a bloody knife on the ground.

He swallowed a lump in his throat as he looked the place over. The campside was just besides a huge lake, and Masato grew anxious from looking into the deep dark water.

Eiji was breathing heavily as he searched the place for any signs of other life, but there were none. No trophy either. But that was really the least of his worries. How could his father do this to him.

"Guys, not to be a mood killer, but I seriously think we are in trouble" Shion said slowly, breaking the silence, as he pointed to a big sign.

Masato and Eiji turned around to look at the sign, and to Masato's horror it read, "Camp Crystal Lake"

Masato hadn't watched a lot of horror movies in his life, but he had seen a few due to frequent movie nights with Starish. And he knew exactly where this place was from. "Friday the 13th". Shion was right. They were definitely in trouble.

"We need to get away from the lake" Masato said, but his words fell on deaf ears as Eiji had started screaming and running around again.

Masato looked to Shion who walked over to him and they started going through the situation. They definitely had to get out of there, but where to hide was a good question. Friday the 13th was known for the characters being killed wherever they went. As Masato and Shion discussed their options, Eiji was still running around in the background screaming in pure agony and terror of the dire situation the group found themselves in.

Suddenly Eiji stopped in his screaming and frantic panic. Masato and Shion turned to look at the brown haired idol as he bowed down and picked something up from the ground.

He stood in silence for a moment as he inspected the item in his hands, before he slowly turned around and looked to Masato and Shion with wide eyes.

"Guys, these are Natsuki's glasses" he said in a shivering voice as he continued to look at the two other males in pure fright.

Masato's eyes widened at his words and a shiver ran down his spine. This could mean two things. Either Natsuki had already been caught by whatever was running around this forest with them. Or Satsuki was the one chasing them. He frankly didn't know which one was the scariest scenario.

Satsuki had been watching them right from the start. He knew their every move and every plan. But he wasn't gonna let them get away. For once he actually found himself to be enjoying these shenanigans Shining would get the groups into. This was amusing. He had taken off the glasses when he had awoken in the forest. He had still been under the effect of the machine from the first channel, and was able to stay as he was.

UtaPri: Television TerrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora