Chapter 3: Kim Taehyung

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Y/N's POV:

I entered my house, feeling exhausted of being the whole day with Jimin, and not being able to ask if I could have anything to eat because I was to concentrated on the project, I decided to enter the kitchen.

As I walked inside of the kitchen I saw a male figure sitting behind the table, brown hair and wearing a black bandana, his hair parted equally going to the sides, wearing a big black sweater and black sweatpants. His upper body was laying on the table, looking at a phone screen, his back facing me, he didn't know I had entered the kitchen so I decided to keep it like that.

I walked over to the fridge and slowly opened it, only to see that there was nothing to your liking. You sighed and closed the fridge, as you turned around, the man who was laying on the table stood now right in front of you.

"What the hell where you thinking, inviting me over, ending up I have to wait for you until you get home?" The man said annoyed, crossing his arms.

"A sleepover, Tae Tae. I invited you for a sleepover." You chuckled, pinching the man softly in his cheek as he started pouting.

Kim Taehyung was the name of the man in front of you. The man in front of you, was also your best friend, ever since you got to know him at the wedding of your cousin who was married to his brother. 7 years had passed ever since your first encounter, and now the two of you are in the top 3 of the year, him being the third while you and Jimin are sharing first place.

As you let go of his cheek, he walked back to the table, showing you that he had already prepared something for you to eat, sitting down and gesturing you to sit on the chair, opposite of him. After taking place in the chair you happily started eating, you thanked him before you took your first bite. While you were eating, Taehyung asked you some questions about today.

"How was his house?" He raised his brow, looking at how you were stuffing yourself with food.

"It was nice, we finished our project eventually, as expected we were arguing." You said, looking at him while you cleaned your mouth so that you can continue your conversation, you still haven't finished your food.

"Anything strange that had happened? Did his behavior change?" He intertwined his hands, his elbows leaning on the table, his hands under his chin.

"Jimin? Well, he offered me a drink. We talked about our future, I met Mrs. Park." You broke the eye contact you had with Taehyung after mentioning the name 'Mrs. Park'

"She had a sly smirk on her face, she looked at me from head to toe." You added, gaining more of Taehyung his interest. "Do you think she will try?" I asked him.

"Knowing your mother and father, they are just like you, rivals are supposed to stay rivals." He answered, making you sigh out of relief, as you continued eating, Taehyung grabbed his phone, waiting for you to finish by watching Anime.

Once you were finished the two of you walked out of the kitchen, towards your room, as you opened the door the first thing you noticed was Taehyung falling on your bed, the same way Jimin did. The only difference between the two of them was that Taehyung his sweater was too big to reveal something. Seeing him so comfortable in his clothes, you wanted to change as well.

"Tae Tae, get out, I am going to change." You said as you grabbed a pair of grey shorts and a pink sweater out of your closet. Whining, he left the room and closed the door counting out loud as he gave you a minute to change or else he would just come back. 

"1... 2... 3... " You heard his deep voice saying from out of the other side of the door, announcing that your time had started when the realization hit you he was already at 10. You quickly started changing, trying to get yourself out of the tight jeans you choose to wear, which didn't seem like a bad idea at first, but now is. Once your jeans were at your ankles you tossed them around the room, jumping into your shorts, waiting to hear how much time you have left. "50... 51..."

As soon as you heard that you had only a few seconds left you used a swift move to throw off your shirt, tossing it somewhere to grab the sweater and pull it over your head and quickly push your arms through their destinated armhole. 

"60! I am coming!" You heard the deep voice of his again, announcing that he would enter the room, thankfully you had succeeded, this time. He opened the door and stuck his head inside the room, his signature perverted expression on his face as he looked around in the room.

"Aish... You finished." He said with disappointment as he entered the room, falling on your bed again. "Were you hoping to see something then?" You jumped on top of the man, who wasn't suspecting anything, groaning because of your sudden weight that jumped on him.

"Agh...! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said, still groaning. "God, when did you become so heavy?" He said, chuckling and covering his face, knowing that you would attack him for what he said. "Yah! watch your words!" You rapidly hit him on his chest with your fists, playfully. The two of you were laughing the whole time and eventually, you gave up and rolled off him, to lay down next to him.

You looked at Taehyung as he gave you his signature box smile, he would always put on this smile to either cheer you up or when he wants to ask you to forgive him. You weren't sad, so you knew that he wanted you to forgive him.

"It's okay, Tae Tae. No need to put on that smile~ " You chuckled as you pinched him in his cheek, giving him a bright smile, as he opened his arms asking you for a hug. "Come here~, " He said as he pulled you into his embrace. You were feeling so comfortable in his embrace, his scent was very calming to you. You and Taehyung had already promised each other, that if your mother comes with a weirdo to marry, Taehyung would marry you to prevent you from any stranger to do weird things to you.


Jimin's POV:

I walked into my room and changed into comfortable clothes, I looked over at my desk, to the chair were Y/N was sitting on only an hour ago. In the time that she was gone, I had dinner and had a conversation with my mother.

The conversation was about if I had made a decision already if I already knew who I wanted to marry, it may be an arranged marriage but she still gave me the freedom to choose who I want to be as my future wife, she would set up something if I had decided. I walked to my bookshelf and grabbed the file map, throwing it onto my bed. When it crashed on my bed, it opened itself on a page. 

I walked closer to my bed, looking at the page, looking at the picture of the girl, without realizing it I was smiling at the picture. "Fated Rivals... " I mumbled to myself as I saw the picture of Y/N, the perfect match for me. 

I am not saying this for the sake of the future of our companies, I am saying this because it's true, she is the only one to meet my expectations. Even if I told my mother that I want Y/N, it's no use, I already know that Y/N doesn't want me and that even if my mother manages to convince her mother. I know about the promise Y/N has with Taehyung...

I have to gain her trust, I have to convince her that I am not only a rival. I can be more than a rival, I don't want to stay as a rival, I have to gain the trust of her best friend first... Kim Taehyung, I am coming for you.

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