Story 8 - Seeing Genesis

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Sephiroth and Angeal were going to visit there friend Genesis, Sephiroth had suggested the idea because he had a crush on him. They were walking through the forest and Angeal knew the way or so he thought and they got lost "I told you to bring the map" Sephiroth said pouting, "oh shut up Seph your just angry because you want to get into Genesis' pants" Angeal said changing direction. They soon came to a small house and Sephiroth walked in, Genesis greeted Sephiroth with a wide smile, Angeal followed behind and they went into the living room, they opened a bottle of wine and began drinking. It didn't take long for the Soldiers to get drunk, "i need a piss" Angeal said walking off, Sephiroth and Genesis were both looking at each other when Sephiroth leaned in, the two began kissing, and Sephiroth got on top of his gorgeous Soldier. They began moaning with lust and touching each other, "I'll just go" Angeal said blushing while leaving them to it.

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