Chapter 24 - Realizations

Start from the beginning

Kyungsoo blushed at the compliment and bowed to him. "You're flattering me Uncle Siwon...But really thank you for the compliment..."

"Wahh! You have a beautiful voice too!" Siwon looked awed. "You've got the perfect match Chanyeollie! You're lucky son!!" he said excitedly and patted Chanyeol's shoulder until the younger male had to push him away.

"Anyways, Ryeowook call the staff and tell them to put their luggage away." He ordered Ryeowook before turning towards the couple with a dazzling smile. "And welcome here you two. I hope you have a grand time here. Call me if you need anything. Ryeowook will show you to your room." he said before walking towards his car.


"Who was that Ryeowook hyung?" Chanyeol asked as soon as they entered their room. Kyungsoo as usual ignored his entire existence and walked to the toilet to freshen up. Chanyeol flopped on the bed and groaned at the smaller man's reaction. When will he stop ignoring him? This whole ordeal is driving him nuts.

Okay Chanyeol, take a deep breath and calm yourself down. You can ask him again when he comes out of the toilet, his mind tried to calm the growing frustration. He heard the opening and closing of a door and saw Kyungsoo walking out of the toilet wearing his all-black pajama. He walked past the taller male and settled on the unoccupied side of the bed.

"Come on Kyungsoo..Tell me who was that Ryeowook hyung.." Chanyeol inquired again, poking the smaller male on the back. When the said man didn't respond once again, Chanyeol huffed in annoyance and did the next thing that came to his mind. He got up from the bed only to land upon the unsuspecting smaller which resulted in a loud yelp coming from Kyungsoo's mouth.

"Get off me Chanyeol! You're too heavy!! Get off! Off!!" Kyungsoo shrieked but Chanyeol ignored his cries and put his full weight on the smaller man making him groan due to the heavyweight.

"I will but first tell me who that Ryeowook hyung is.." Chanyeol whined in front of Kyungsoo's ear making the smaller flinch.

"He's my hyung from neighborhood. He moved away to Japan when I was in freshman year of highschool. Now get off me!!" Kyungsoo replied hastily and tried to push the taller male off him.

Chanyeol rolled to other side and stared up at the ceiling. that guy is his hyung, his inner voice said. But why does that guy look at him like he's the sweetest candy in the world? his mind supplied. Chanyeol let out a sigh and turned his head towards the now sleeping Kyungsoo. Maybe he's overthinking a little bit. But honestly, right now he shouldn't care about that guy at all.

He should think about how he can make up to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo woke up from his slumber when the sun has already set for the day. He turned over to his right and saw Chanyeol curled up on the side. His heart swelled up at the scene and let his eyes linger over the man's face for a few seconds before getting up from the bed and tucking the giant in the comforter.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh and messed up his already messy hair. It's always been like this. It's always been him taking care of the taller, looking out for him. At first, he didn't mind them at all. But now he feels tired. He's tired of everything. He really hoped that Chanyeol would return his affections but maybe he didn't wish hard enough for it to come true.

Kyungsoo walked towards the balcony and stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him. From where he is standing, he could clearly see the ocean in front of him. And since the sun has just set, he could enjoy the red hue it left over the horizon. The cold wind gently drifted along making shivers run from his arm to spine.

His trance was broken when he heard the vibration of his phone on the bedside table. He walked towards it and opened it to find a text from an unknown number. Out of curiosity, he opened it and saw that it was just a text from Ryeowook hyung asking him to come down to the lobby. Kyungsoo smiled at the text and walked to the cabinet to get his jacket before turning the knob and leaving the room.

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