"Victoria may not be my sister by blood but she is my family. I saved her from a horrible death and helped her, in a way she helped me to, I was all alone when we met. It was about three hundred years ago, she convinced me to become a business man, before that I just took what I wanted. From then on I started my own business, a small one but with the years it grew and finally today it is the most well know business in the whole world. I never told you about her because she can be very handful such as yourself but, anyway she has a reputation for gossiping and talking to much, I feared that she would be to much for you to handle. Trust me I have learned from experience that it can be very hard to bare her talking, what you have seen of her today is not her usual self, right now she is in a moment of grief but tries to hide it" Jason says.

Oh how rude, I am not handful, all right maybe I am a little handful but it is still a little rude to tell this to my face. He really thinks that I can not handle Victoria, I can and have handled death so what makes him think that I of all people cannot handle Victoria. I feel sorry for that she is grieving for whatever reason she is, I know grieve so I know that she may not be the same person until she has calmed herself from the pain in the heart. Some people never get over it, some don't but everyone must respect a person who grieve because everyone will grieve at least once or twice in their life's and deal with the same pain. "Thank you" I say to him after breaking away from my thoughts that have roaring in my mind for far to long.

"For what my flower?" Jason asks, I have missed it when he calls me that. I actually like it, I like it when he calls me that. It warms my heart up and for some reason it makes me crave him so badly that it almost hurt, who am I kidding the love I have for him makes my heart hurt but in the best way possible. There truly are no words to describe my love for Jason Black, love is works in a very mysterious way that can not be explained. "Haven't you figured it out by now?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. He chuckles at me and shakes his head lightly, making me giggle a little. Sometimes he can be so clueless, which I think that he hates. I know that he wants to be in control and know everything, and when it does happen that he has no idea what is going on is probably pretty hard for him. But I love tease him about it, I hope he doesn't mind that.

"For begin there for me when I needed someone, my whole life I have always counted on myself but now it feels like I can count on you, and know that you will always be there for me when I need you. I loved you Jason" I say as I kiss him on the lips. He returns the kiss and we kiss until we are out of breath, or at least I'm out I need to breath, I have no idea if Jason can hold his breath forever, I need to ask him someday. But right now I don't want to ruin the moment. I open my eyes and gaze at his, they are so compelling, it's seriously hard to resist them, it's almost impossible. "I'm taking you out on a date tonight be ready at seven" he says looking into my eyes, I don't think we have ever had a date before. Oh god I have never been a date in my entire life.

I don't know how to act, how to dress. Maria is always going out on dates with her boyfriends and stuff so it is best to ask her about all this stuff, she would know what to do right? I just hope she doesn't tell me to put make up on, not only am I horrible at it but also because I don't really like make up. For other people it's all right but on myself, putting that stuff on my face is something that I don't like. But that is just my opinion, I know for a fact that Maria loves make up and I'm okay with that, I mean there is nothing wrong with make up it is just I don't like it on my face. "ok, I'll be ready at that time" I tell him as I look at the clock, it read 02:23, Maria says that it makes time to get ready for a date so I should probably call her right now, I kind of need her right now. "I should start to get ready" I say as I pick up my phone and dial Maria's number, I walk out of the room and into the bedroom.

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