The start of something more

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A/N: Hey everyone! The first chapter is only very short because I want to see if people are interested in reading more, if people are then I'll make it into a full length fanfic with longer chapters, but if not I'll just keep it as a short oneshot. Please let me know your thoughts, thanks for reading!
Batman's fist connected with Joker's cheek. The clown fell to the ground, laughing with glee.

"And a hello to you too Batsy!" Joker giggled as he gazed up at the Dark Knight, his sight spinning slightly from the force of the blow.

Batman ignored any attempts the other made to engage in conversation, he was tired of having to chase after the clown all night. He tried to get straight to the point with his next few words.

"I'm taking you back to Arkham, Joker."

Frustration seeped into his stoic voice, his patience wearing thinner the longer he had to look at that smug grin. This was the clown's third big scheme in the last month. Lives had been lost, destruction had been caused and Batman had grown angrier with each passing day that Joker was free. The previous two times he'd managed to effortlessly evade capture, taunting Batman and always remaining one step ahead of him, but not today.

Joker let out a long laugh. The shrill laughter always managed to send chills down Batman's spine, this time being no exception. He wanted to wipe that grin off of the other's face, beat him until no laughter could escape his bright red mouth.

"Is that so? I'm sorry to say it darling, but you haven't been up to your usual standards lately. Why, just last week I managed to get away from you without even trying! I was so disappointed, I'd put in all of that work and it was like you weren't even trying to stop me! Batsy dear, I fear you're losing your edge-"

Batman interrupted Joker by punching him square in the face, hard. Pulling his fist back he saw blood gushing from the other man's nose, feeling the satisfaction he always felt when he hurt the clown. He knew he shouldn't get gratification from causing someone pain, but it was so hard not to when the other got under his skin in a way none of his other enemies could.

Joker groaned lightly, before going straight back to laughing. His nose was broken, that much was obvious. Not that he minded, he loved the pain, thrived off of it. The thrill it gave him when Batman would lose control and take all of his anger out on him was Joker's own personal drug, and he was always left wanting more.

"There's that rage fuelled violence I've been missing! Perhaps you haven't given up after all!" Joker continued to laugh as he looked up at Batman, enjoying the anger the other was exhibiting. It was so easy to rile up the Bat up, making it all the more fun to do so.

Batman gave a low growl, before jumping on top of the other and pinning his arms above his head. With one hand holding Joker's arms in place, he used the other to grab a pair of hand cuffs from his utility belt- however, before he could cuff the other, he had already wriggled out of his grasp and was wielding a knife.

Joker laughed and laughed as he made blind swings at Batman with the knife, only when he managed to snag Batman's face with it did the other get into action.

Batman moved as quick as lightning, running on rage fuelled adrenaline as he ripped the knife from out of Joker's grasp and flung it across the rooftop they were on.

Light droplets of rain were pouring around them, the air misty and cool. The rooftop was dark, only being illuminated dimly by moonlight and the few stars visible through the thick smog that always smothered Gotham City. Where they were, no one would be able to see them, or the violent fight unfolding.

They brawled around on the floor, Joker trying to get free and Batman trying to restrain him. The clown managed to get atop the other and landed a pretty hard blow to Batman's jaw. Batman in turn retaliated by kicking Joker's shins, successfully getting the other to fall off of him and back onto the floor.

Throughout all of the hits and punches, Joker kept up his manic laughter, always unsettling and always present. The only times the laughter had ever stopped in the past were when Batman hit Joker so hard that he'd fallen unconscious.

Batman tried to hit Joker hard enough to do so now, but the other kept managing to dodge his attacks. Although he was lean with a wiry frame, Joker was still very strong. He knew where to aim on a person for it to really hurt, and had enough force to his blows that he managed to even really hurt Batman more than a few times, despite the protective layers of the suit he wore.

The fighting continued for a number of minuets, each trying to out manoeuvre the other, landing punches and kicks, flipping each other over and fighting on the floor until they were but a blurred mass of colours. Tension continued to build as blood continued to be spilled, until suddenly the fighting stopped and turned into something else.

In the heat of the moment, Joker's lipstick smeared lips fiercely connected with Batman's. His need and passion pouring into the kiss, hands no longer trying to hit Batman but roam over his body.

Batman didn't hesitate to start kissing back, so high off of the adrenaline from fighting that he didn't even think about what he was doing. All that he knew in that moment was the feel of the lips joined to his, sparks of passion coursing through him. They had both stilled and were so focused on the spur of the moment kiss that they completely forgot that they were fighting in the first place. But, as quickly as it had started, it had ended.

Batman abruptly pulled back, heart rate soaring and short of breath as he stared up into emerald green eyes. For the first time since he had known Joker, he saw fear in his eyes.

Joker was afraid, afraid that his impulsive actions would cause things to change between them, that their dynamic would shift in the wake of this one moment of vulnerability and weakness.

Joke was right to think that things would never be the same between them again.

Batman reconnected their lips.

Dancing the line between love and hate (Batjokes)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum