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5 months later

Tam's Pov

I woke up next morning with a very heavy head. Today's Saturday so it means no work and I can rest all day. I rolled at the right side of my bed and checked the time. It's already 8 in the morning. I yawned and stretched. I still wanna lay in bed and sleep but I  felt hungry and my stomach's already grumbling. I stood up and walked sleepily towards my kitchen. I boiled water for my ramyun. While waiting for the water to boil, I went back to my room and got my laptop, I seated on the stool in my kitchen counter. I opened my laptop and logged in to my sns accounts. I was shocked when I opened my facebook account it has 1K notifications, 300 friend requests and 500 messages. Well, it's almost a year when I last opened my account, so it's not really surprising seeing these numbers. I opened every message and responded to it, it came from my friends from the Philippines. I browsed my newsfeed and a linked caught my attention.

"Exo Member confirmed dating a female Idol."

I've been very busy with my work, I traveled and I just recently came back from Dubai. I didn't had time watching news or opening my sns accounts so I am really unaware of what are the recent news, especially about exo. I'm hesitant to open the linked, I'm afraid this is referring to Chanyeol. But because curiosity really can kill a cat, I clicked the link and a tear already came rushing. Yes it's him dating Pamela the same idol that's linked to him before and what's worst was it's also stated there that it's suspected that Pamela is pregnant with chanyeol's child. And because I like hurting myself, I read the comments and saw that all of their fans supports them, I did not see any bad comments. My heart flinched and I want to just die right now. I cried, cried, cried and cried. I bawled and break down.

After several minutes of crying, I got back to my senses and stared at the white wall. I stood up lifeless and took the water in the boiler which is already cold because of me crying earlier but I still pour it to cook my ramyun. I stirred it and ate. I'm staring at nowhere while eating still tears keep on falling down. I was awakened by my phone's ringtone. I answered it, it's Chari calling me.

"Hello Chari." I sounded cheerful but Chari knew me well.

"I know you're crying." Chari just said from the other line.

"No *sobs* I'm not." I tried to lie at Chari

"I know you well Tami. Tell me, what's wrong?" Chari sounded concerned already.

"*sobs* It's just that I missed my parents and my sister so bad." I said while sobbing. But I heard Chari laughing from the other line.

"Please try harder Tami. I know it's my brother again." well, I can no longer deny.

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu" that's all I replied to her and I bawled my eyes out again into crying.

"Hush now Tami." Chari trying to calm me.

"Do you know already? Is it true that he's dating Pamela? and they're having a baby?" I said and praying that Chari will say that it's a fake news. I heard her heaved a deep sighed.

"hmmmm Yes Tami, he brought Pamela in the house last week. He introduced her officially to mom and dad." Hearing those words broke my heart into smallest bits and because I don't want to hear anymore I ended the call.

I don't know for how long I've been crying and lying here on the floor but all I'm aware if is that I'm numb and thought there's no point of living.

"Tamia! What the hell. Get up there!" It's Chari and I'm not even aware that she just got in my condo. She joined me on the floor and made me sit. She hugged me and I just continued crying.

"Chari. I want to die. I cannot accept it, please let me die. Huhuhuhuhu" I wailed and I don't mind wetting Chari's shirt.

"Are you insane? Please Tamia Alexia, get back to your senses. He is just a boy. For God's sake!" Chari scolded me. I know she's angry because she used my complete name.

"He is your brother and I love him so much." I looked up to Chari.

"Whatever Tamia! Is he the only one important to you? are you even thinking about your parents?your sister?Me, your friends? Don't be too self centered! My God!" I did not respond and did not argue because she's right. She did not talked anymore too, she just continued hushing me and caressing my back. I closed my eyes and laid down on Chari's lap.

"Sleep now Tami." The last thing I heard from Chari before I drifted to sleep.

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