"Asuna, that looks amazing!" Aiko shrieked.

     "I guess the cooking class is finally paying off," Kaori agreed.

     "Hey, I'll have you know that I have been practicing at home too," I scoffed, "Perfect practice makes perfect," I recited my teacher's saying.

     "Well, yours is far from perfect," Aiko deadpanned.

     Both Kaori and I stared at her in both confusion and offended.

     "W-Wait a second, weren't you saying it was amazing a moment ago?" I questioned.

     "But you said the magical words of critiquing, I had to say it. Anyways that would be what chef would say, not me," Aiko giggled.

     "Uh, ok then," I took a bit of my food.

     While we ate there was a few moments of silence, and the occasional yips out of Aiko who was enjoying her food a little too much. I glanced around the lunch area, and the groups that were together, and the color of the tree leaves. They were turning a unique orange with some other warm colors. I can't believe it's almost winter already. Soon high school will be over.

     The constant thoughts always wavered in and out of my mind when I'm around people, mainly because they keep me from thinking too much about the future and stressing about everything that will happen. It's pleasant, but soon I will have to face reality.

     "Can I still talk about my theories?" Aiko suddenly asked.

     "No." Kaori instantly said.

     "Hmph." Aiko crossed her arms and hid her face.

     "Greeeaaat, stage two of grumpy Aiko," Kaori mumbled.

     "There's stages now?" I asked.

     "I've been watching how she acts in certain situations. I guess you could say it's my experiment."

     "I can still hear you!" Aiko muffled in her arms.

     "Aiko, there's no need for you to be like this," I patted her shoulder.

     "Then let me say what I think," She whined, pulling herself out of her folded arms. "I swear it's nothing bad."

     I looked at Kaori, worried about what she has to say.

     "I'm really tired of hearing what 'supposedly' happened to Mayu. It's not something we should talk about so easily. We barely even knew her, it doesn't give us the authority to play games about the situation."

     Aiko seemed to ease up a bit, but adverted her eyes away from us, and I glanced to Kaori once again, who was following Aiko's gaze.

     "Oh no you don't," Kaori tried grabbing her arm, but missed as Aiko darted away. "Aiko, don't bother him!"

     Him? My gaze wandered to where she was headed and at the distance I saw Ryota. I could tell what was going to happen.

     "Aiko!" I called out and she hesitantly stopped, and looked back, "Don't bother him about it, he probably is really upset right now, and it's none of our business."

     She didn't listen and kept going. I sighed and grabbed Kaori's arm, so she wouldn't follow.

     "Let her go. She clearly doesn't understand personal space."

     "Ya, whatever," Kaori agreed and crossed her arms, "I'm so sick of her doing things like this to be honest, and I'm really tired of dealing with her."

     I understand how Kaori feels, and it really is bothersome, but giving a cold shoulder to Aiko isn't something I would do to her. Even though she is annoying and similar to a twelve-year-old that has no moral, I can't quit being her friend.

     "Ya..." I whispered, "but Kaori, she's our friend, and has been for a while. After she comes back, we should apologize to Ryota and- "

     "We apologize? Are you serious right now? We aren't the ones that are spreading rumors and wanting to investigate what happened. This isn't a crime show, it's normal for people to move away. Unfortunate things happen, I get it, but seriously though," She became flustered and irritation was forming quickly.

     She was right again. "But Aiko- "

     "Stop protecting her! This is her fault, she did this herself!"

     I pursed my lips and looked away. Am I protecting her? But why is she being like this? Earlier today we were perfectly fine about the little theories from Aiko.

     "She's nosy, but people know that. They might not even care," I spoke up, "I know that you are upset with her, but maybe that's because you feel responsible for her actions.:

     I looked at her and she looked like she wanted to say something back, but hardly could. "I-It's true. She is our friend after all, and I don't want people thinking poorly of her."

     I smiled softly and patted her head "Aw, look who has a heart."

     Her soft expression hardened a bit. "Ha, you're so funny," she deadpanned.

     "Loosen up and don't be so uptight about things. Aiko does her own thing, and we don't need to be caught up in it," I told her.

     "Ditto to you too workaholic that is pressured by her parents."

     I sighed.

     It always comes back to me doesn't it? How bothersome.

     After Aiko left us, she ended up getting checked out and was gone the rest of the day, so we couldn't question her about what happened between her and Ryota. When I got home it was quiet, but only for a second. The dining room doors were closed, but I could faintly hear my parents talking. I crept closer to the door and pressed my ear to it.

     "What do you mean it's worse than you thought?" I heard my mom say.

     "I'm telling you how it is. Someone is screwing with us," My dad said back.

      "Are you sure it's not because of your business partners that seem to avoid our questions and who are always disagreeing with your ideas?"

      "I swear it isn't them..."

     After a while their voices got softer and I couldn't make out what they were saying so I ended up going to my room and laying on my bed.

     So, it is getting worse. Maybe my dad will have to find a new job if he can't manage the new one. At least that's what it sounded to be about.

     I took out my phone and checked to see if I got any notifications. A group chat name popped up called "Cooking Mama's," and I cringed a bit.

     This had to be Aiko's idea.

     When I clicked the multi-message, I was greeted by:


     Still in a good mood I see.

     I replied with a simple hi, while Kaori started questioning the group name. I stifled a laugh and went to ask her about what happened at lunch but right before I did, I heard a knock on my door.

    "Yes?" I asked and sat up.

     The door clicked open to my mother and father, looking rather dull. They exchanged glances before they spoke.

     "Asuna, your mother and I need to speak with you."

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