Chapter 57 (part 1)

Începe de la început

"Ashton. Focus." I warn him.

"Alright I'm sorry. Tell me what to do." He says putting his arm around me. I carefully push it off and tell him we need to work.

"Well someone's on her period today." Ashton says laughing.

"Please knock it off Ashton. We need to work and you are not helping."

"I'm sorry I'm such a distraction babe. I'll leave if it makes it better." He says jokingly.

"It probably would be best. You can tell Mr. Dyer that too." I say more serious than anything.

"Well damn. I was just having some fun you didn't have to be so rude about it."

"Well there's a time to play and time to be serious."

"Alyssa. Tell me what the hell is wrong with you. Why are you such a bad mood?" Oh I don't know. Maybe because during our last encounter you tried to rape me. That's not exactly something you can forgive over night.

"Alright Alright. I'll stop, but we have to talk later." He says and leaves me alone for the rest of the period.


Once lunch time pulls up I have yet to see Louis once today. he's not sitting with the guys either. "Hey Kenna. You wouldn't happen to know where your brother is would you?" I ask.

"No sorry. Last I saw of him he was at home and said he would be in around lunch time sorry." I nod understanding telling her it's fine. I sit down at the table with and we start talking about our current celebrity crushes.

All of a sudden, Dana and Maddi both show up smiling like crazy. "Alright girls spill it." I say.

"Alright story time!" Maddi says all hyped up.

"I'm telling it this time!" Dana says.

"Alright so ever after the day we went bowling Louis has been really nice and hanging out and talking to us. You know just being a friend." She begins.

"Well in a conversation we started talking about Harry and Liam and he told us that he could arrange something for us. Since we are you're friends and he wants us to like him." I nod along indicating that I'm following along.

"Well today Liam and Harry came up and asked us if we wanted to double date tomorrow!" Dana says finishing with the biggest smile on her face.

"Well, I'm glad he's making an effort to be friends with you guys." I say smiling.

"What's the issue with you two?" Maddi says.

"I mean like you guys act like you're just friends but it's so obvious that there's more to the story." Maddi says finishing her observation. I look at Kenna because her and the girls are the only ones that know right now.

"Nothing is going on between my brother and Alyssa. Trust me, I would be the first to know if there was because they are always hanging out at my house when I'm not there."

"So you don't know what they're doing!" Dana says with a wink.

"Ew! Okay even when we were dating we never did that!" I exclaim really shocked at my friends choice of words.

"Come on! You can't tell me you guys never thought about it."

"I'm sure he's thought about it but I haven't. A relationship isn't all about sex you know?"

"You just said relationship!" Maddi gasps as she takes in what I just said.

"Oh my God! I never said I was in a relationship with Louis Tomlinson!" I exclaim. Kenna is giving me the warning eyes.

Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomlinson)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum