18 | Road to Recovery

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"Yuuki, Satori says that you're fired."

Guren blinked. "Excuse me, Ayaki?"

Almost two weeks after the attack, Guren and Satori were getting used to what had happened. Shinigami was still attacking the city. Mimmy had captured Natsumi successfully with Blythe's help.

Guren would be more laidback in his work, Satori had stripped him clean of his Magic Government records. He wouldn't be the commander of the Magic Government army, and Guren was assigned the job of receptionist.

Which was unbelievably boring.

But Guren understood. He couldn't walk, and Satori was possibly concerned for his health.

But being fired? Satori couldn't.

"Satori literally signed to me. He said you were fired."

Oh, hell.

Guren looked at Satori who kept signing the same exact thing repeatedly. Satori was lucky that Joshua understood sign language.

"Why are you firing me?" Guren asked. Satori looked at Joshua and back at Guren. Satori then signed something to Joshua and he sighed.

"He doesn't know how to sign the reason." Joshua informed, which caused Guren to sigh.

Satori then signed once more. Joshua nodded and faced Guren. "Do you have a piece of paper?"

Guren handed Satori a piece of paper and a pen, guessing that Satori was signing that he was going to write down the reason.

After a few moments of silence, Satori passed the paper to Joshua, who read it out loud.

"You keep overworking youself, I'll hire you again once you're rested up," Joshua read.

Guren looked at Satori, who nodded as Joshua finished reading.

"I'm not overworking myself, Satou."

Joshua sighed. "I told him the same thing. Satori's probably just concerned."

Satori nodded once Joshua finished his sentence. Satori looked at Guren, who shook his head.

"I'm going home, Blythe is probably yelling at the dogs again. I'll be back tomorrow and I won't be fired by you, Goldie."

Guren wheeled his way out of the building, leaving Joshua and Satori in the room.

"Do you know why he called you 'Goldie'?" Joshua asked, only to get a shrug from Satori.

"Okay.. do you know when you're going to get your voice back?" Joshua asked.

Satori shrugged once more, but then pointed to his throat.

"You could just sign what you want to say, you know."

Satori shook his head. "Fine. What's wrong with your throat?" Joshua questioned.

Satori walked closer to Joshua and tip toed to reach his ear. "I can whisper."

Joshua pulled Satori away from his ear, stunned. "Did you just.. whisper?"

Satori nodded. Joshua grinned, jumping up and down. "Holy fuck, Satori! Your voice could be coming back soon!" Joshua exclaimed.

Satori nodded once more. Satori whispered something but Joshua didn't hear since he was busy celebrating.

"Wait, what?"

Satori stared at Joshua. "I'm sorry."

Joshua's expression changed drastically. "No, no, why are you sorry?"

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