15 | Knockout Gas

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Fifteen | Knockout Gas
(Part Five of Post Shattered Stars One Shots)

Characters: Joshua Ayaki, Shinigami Toudou, Satella Yasaki, Satori "Satou" Yasaki, Guren Yuuki

Ships (Platonic): SatoShua, SatoRen, JoshuRen? GureShua? idk man help

Summary: Joshua finds out secrets unimaginable, Satori goes to a drug deal, and Guren is dealing with guilt of truths unsaid. Lies not justified, friendships broken, all to prevent one single thing, war.

wow another post ss chap
here we gooooooo

Joshua burst into the staff room of the Magic Government, only to find Guren signing paperwork.

"Yuuki, do you know where Shinigami is?"

Guren looked from his paperwork and sighed. He did not want to deal with the man that caused his friendship with his best friend to deteriorate.

Guren shrugged and looked back at his paperwork.

"Okay.. do you know where Satori is?"

Guren didn't take his eyes off the paperwork this time and only rolled his eyes.

"I know you're upset Yuuki-kun, but you need to talk to me."

"Why should I talk to you? You don't even work for the Magic Government." Guren glared at Joshua, showing that he did not want to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no idea where my supposedly partner is right now! Like, I haven't seen Satori at all since a week ago when we were all arguing."

"He probably ran away."

Joshua sighed and jumped as soon as Shinigami slammed the door open.

Shinigami saw Joshua and raised an eyebrow. "Hello person that doesn't work at this facility. Looking for Satori?"

Upon Shinigami's entry, Guren went back to the paperwork he was filling out. Joshua just nodded to Shinigami's question, not knowing how to answer Shinigami.

"He didn't tell you?"

"No, was I supposed to know where he was going?"Joshua asked, confused on what Shinigami was trying to tell him.

"I wasn't implying that, no. But I thought he told you."

Guren hit his desk and looked at the two people in front of him. "He normally doesn't tell people where he's heading."

"Well, he told me yesterday," Shinigami whispered to Joshua, who snickered in response.

"Where is he, then?" Joshua questioned as Shinigami took finished paperwork from Guren.

"Satella's drug deal. Or, Shiemi Ayaki's drug deal. Satori is there in disguise of one of her workers."

"And he told you this yesterday?"

Shinigami nodded as Guren's eyes travelled to Joshua's concerned expression.

"He should be back, then. Drug deals don't happen this long, Shinigami."

"They can, Ayaki. I believe Yasaki has this under control and you don't have to be concerned." Guren rolled his eyes at Joshua.

"Well, I'm sorry for being concerned about your ex best friend, Yuuki. Someone needs to be concerned if it isn't you."

"That person doesn't necessarily have to be you."


Shinigami sighed. "I'll give you the location. Go see if Satori is fine. I expect an answer in twenty-four hours, Joshua."

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