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Janelle Davis

Laying on Tay'Vione king size bed watching him playing 2k16 while im bored out of my mind

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Laying on Tay'Vione king size bed watching him playing 2k16 while im bored out of my mind. "Bae im bored entertain me " I whined . Hopping on his lap.

"How about you entertain me fatcakes" he said calling me by that ugly ass nickname he gave me.

Sucking my teeth "Man you just killt' the mood with that ugly ass nickname ". Putting my hand on top of his hands that were on my butt. "My nickname made the mood the fuck you mean" he grumbled slapping my ass .

"Mhmm watever Tay " I mumbled bending and capturing his lips into mine .

This boy has my heart even though we seventeen me and him been through hell and back. First it was my family not accepting him but once they seen how happy he made me they had to respect that . I felt like this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

We both have some anger issues so when we fight like litterally we fight throwing blows and everthing. Yeah he hit me but most of the time he the one that be having the black eyes and shit. He would just chock ,slap and throw me around a few good times. When he punch me he punch me in my thighs or my ass. Thats only when im getting whoopings from him. Yeah my baby think I should get whoopings whenever I do something wrong, he a little.. well maybe a lot slow .

Our relationship crazy as hell but I wouldnt havent no other way I love my Von Von .

Pecking my lips once more before breaking away putting my forehead against his . "I love you VonVon" I cooed wiping away the excessive lip gloss from his lips.

Licking my face "I love you to fat cackes and why you taste like apples when I specifically told you to taste like hot sauce" he bossed

Shaking my head laughing at his ass he so weird "Aight baby I'll remember next time "

"Mhmm, better no matter fact next time taste like chicken and hotsauce"

Throwing my head back in laughter he really thought I was supposed to taste like food.

Its our little thing we do since thats how we first met.


August 7 , '14

Lifting up the lemon pepper chicken wing and biting into it. Dang this food was really the bomb Leo's had the best wings in the West coast.

"Excuse me ma " Snapping my attention from the peice of chicken I was devouring. Nodding my head for him to go on cause my mouth was full to capacity.

"Well you got a little right there" he said pointing to my cheek. By now having all my food swallowed.

"Right here " I asked pointing to the place he pointed to just a few seconds ago.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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