
"Ugh we are so dead for this." He grumbles pushing up his glasses. "Anyway so whats the plan," And I smiled evilly. His faces then turned into regret.

I told him my plan as we walked back to the castle. We snuck back inside hoping no one would catch us sneaking in, since Fallacy hates it when we go outside without his permission. But sadly, Jasper caught us. Again.
"What were you two doing...."

"Fuck...." I accidentally cursed out.

"M'lady watch your language, and Jasper 'tis none of your business."

"Come on you Erra has been sneeking out almost eveyday now everyone has noticed it." Jasper whines.

"Everyone!?" I panic a bit. I could see it on Suave's face too.

"Well everyone but Fallacy." We both sigh out of relief. "But I will tell Fallacy if you don't tell me what you guys are doing." See he's a tattletail if he doesn't get what he wants.

"We went for a walk Jasper that was it," I say.

"You were planning something weren't you Erra," Jasper crosses his arms. I could feel sweat slowly run down my face.

"No she wasn't, I was with her the whole time, we just went out on a walk that was it," Suave says saving my ass again. I'm glad I can trust him.


"What is it??" I ask.

"Chess," he says and I already knew what he was asking. He wants to play chess.

"Alright lets go,"

"Yes!" He says and fistsbumbs the air. I sighed and followed him to the library.

(I must ask/ say I'm pretty sure people first believe that this is Fallacy and then comment something along the lines of "oh I know who this is," if you did think this was Fallacy, or someone else but Erra, at first I'd like to know)

Suave's PoV:

I chuckled as I watched as the young lady and lord run off to the library to play chess. I decided to go to my room but halfway down the steps to the servant quarters I was stopped by Gazelle half way down.
"There you are Suave, Lord Fallacy wants you" she says with a grumble and walks back down the stairs. I sighed and walked back up the steps to where the master's quarters lie. On my way there I passed by many different rooms where "very important" guests sleep, I also walked passed Lady Erra and Lord Jasper's quarters before I got to Fallacy's at the end of the hall, on the second to last floor of the castle, and I knocked on the door. "Who is it" a growling intimidating low voice ask. But I wasn't afraid.

"It's me M'lord, you called for me?"

"Ah, yes Suave come in," I walk in to see lord Fallacy holding a dead pale old man that we found in the forest a few days back.

"Would you like me to throw him out to the wolves M'lord?"

"Yes, thank you" and he threw him on the ground in front of me. I stared at it disgusted as I grabbed his leg and started to walk out when Fallacy called my name again.

"Suave, I have a request I want you to do,"

"Yes, M'lord, what is it?"

"Please watchout for Erra and Jasper those two can cause trouble,"

" Yes m'lord, but what brought this up, if you don't mind me asking?" He sighed as he turned to look out his glass door that led to his balcony.

"I'm worried about them, Erra because- well you know why, and Jasper because of.... well....."

"I understand M'lord, and as I said I will do what I must to watch out for them,"

"Thank you Suave, I know I can count on you to tell me if anything happens with them that you think I should know," I gulp slightly as I remember Erra's plan but I now to him anyway.

"G-good day sir," I could feel his eyes on me as I left the room, he now knows that something might be up.

Encre's PoV:

It was morning now. I woke up and look at my desk to see the painting I finished last night. Or this morning? I don't know I was too tired when I finished it. I sighed and got out of bed and got ready for the day.
I took the painting through town hoping to bump into the young man. Luckily I did and I gave him the painting and he gave me the money.

I sighed as I walked through town counting the coins till something caught my eye. It was another skeleton, which wasn't quite rare I could name a few skeletons that lived in the town but that's not what caught my eye. Beside him was a cloaked figure who looked like a young girl. She was human well I think. She had dark tanned skin, something that you wouldn't see around here. And although I couldn't see her eyes, the hood would perk up a bit and I would get a hint of yellow from what I could see. The skeleton, who seemed to be a butler of some sort, noticed me then turned to the girl, she nodded and he walked up to me.

"Hello, are you Encre?" He says, and I nod with a smile."Ah, would you be willingly to paint a picture for M'lady?" M'Lady? So the girl must be his mistress.

"Of course, if you're willing to pay a fair price I assume?" I nod and take a glance at the girl to see that she's smiling ."What would you like me to paint for her Monsieur?"(Sir).

"There is a glowing pond in the forest west of the village, she wishes for you to paint that,"

"Ah, alright, never heard of a glowing pond before but I guess I can do that. What's the payment?" and he gives me a bag full of coins and I look at him confused.

"I hope you don't mind us giving you the money before hand?" The girl says as she walks up to us. Lifting down her hood. I stared at her features a bit. Short black hair tied into a short ponytail. Freckles. And Golden.....eyes.
"No.....problem...." I stare at her in awe.

"Now we must be off Suave."

"Yes, Lady Erra'" he bows and they walk off into the forest. Erra? I never heard that name before, I guess I can ask Dr. Lofy if there are any Lady Erra's around here. And with that I started to walk off to Lofy's.

( 1696 words for the 3/17/19 rewrite. 1361 words for the first rewrite. 1061 was the original word count.)

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