"Hey, stop!" Harley blurted out at the same time Clarke exclaimed Wells' name. Murphy's friend, John, put his arm in front of the girl to keep her from lurching forward to help Wells who groaned in pain on the ground as he attempted to get up. The delinquents began chanting taunts, some even cheering Murphy on for wounding Wells.

Satisfied, Murphy even smiled. "No, but that was." Tough and stubborn, Harley watched as Wells finally managed to stand up with a limp. Even Harley was surprised that he managed to stand back up from the hit, and watched as Murphy looked him up and down. "All right.." He muttered when Wells put his fists outwards, ready to defend himself. Murphy faked a hit, making Wells flinch and nearly fall over again. "Come on, come on," he urged Wells further, even putting his own hands up.

However, before Murphy could strike, a body jumped down from the top of the dropship and landed on his feet between them. Harley quickly saw who it was. She pushed John's arm away, who reluctantly let her, to get a better look. His name is Finn, a boy that she saw a lot during visitor days, always visiting a pretty girl. He was arrested for an illegal spacewalk that wasted a month of oxygen for them. He kept to mostly himself and the girl, even found Harley to be annoying when she did talk to him. "Kids got one leg," Finn told Murphy, stopping him with just a look. "How about you wait until it's a fair fight?"

Reluctantly, Murphy complied. He only gave Finn a single glare before walking off, his loyal friend John trailing behind him when he touched his shoulder. Octavia, however, stalked forwards towards Finn. "Hey, spacewalker!" She called out. "Rescue me next."

Glad that it was over, Harley didn't hesitate in helping Wells. "Here, you should sit," she offered, seeing he was in pain. She held her hand out, allowing Wells to grip onto her wrist to lower himself as he outstretched his leg with a sharp wince before letting go and leaning back against the dropship.

"I'll take a look at it," Clarke offered. Harley remembered that Clarke's mother is a surgeon in the dropship, and assumed that the girl learned some medical information from her mother that could be useful. Clarke knelt down in front of him as Harley leaned against the dropship wall herself. Her hand went into her pocket and touched the deck of cards, remembering they were there, for comfort. They made Harley think of The Ark, and how happier she was before.

Clarke, as carefully as she could, turned Wells foot to the side, testing if his ankle was broken. He winced sharply, but he didn't scream out in pain and no bones seemed to be popping out, so it most likely wasn't. "It just seems sprained," the blonde informed him.

Finn approached then, his hands in his pocket as he arrived standing next to Harley. "So, Mount Weather," he announced. "When do we leave?"

"Right now," Clarke answered. She put her hands on her knees to help lift herself up into a standing position. "We'll be back tomorrow with food," she said, promising Wells. "Do you want to come, Harley?" She invited.

Harley was taken back by the offer to join them. She didn't expect Clarke to ask her, and she was still upset with Murphy, and wanted to argue with him further, but was more so excited to explore more of Earth. There was a whole planet that was waiting for them to look at; an endless place of trees that Harley couldn't wait to see. "Yes!" She answered happily.

However, that wouldn't be so easy, and Wells knew it. He looked up between the three, confused. "How are the three of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?" He asked, a well point.

Finn thought it over for a second and realized Wells was right. He turned around and grabbing Jasper and Monty by their shoulders and turned them away from the friends they were talking to before patting them. "Five of us," Finn corrected, and Jasper and Monty shrugged after exchanging a look, agreeing.

"Sounds like a party!" A pitched voice disturbed their conversation with a clap. "Make it six." Harley turned her head at the offer to join them, to see Octavia. Jasper seemed excited by her inviting herself, but Harley may have been slightly more.

Bellamy attempted to stop her, but Harley was more interested by Clarke's outburst from seeing Finn's wristband slightly damaged. "Hey, were you trying to take this off?" She asked, grabbing the boy's wrist and lifting it. Harley could see it clearer now, the part that held it together looked like it had been tampered with. "This wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark," Clarke continued when Finn answered carelessly. "Take it off, and they'll think you're dead. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months?" She asked, harsher. "Because they won't if they think we're dying."

Slowly, Finn nodded. He dropped the reckless act just by the expression on his face and understood how serious it was that the delinquents kept their bracelets on. Nobody noticed the thinking look on Bellamy's face, like he was hit with an idea by the talk of the wristbands. "Now let's go," Clarke urged them.

Finn led the way, then Jasper and Monty, before Harley and Clarke followed. Bellamy gave Octavia permission to attend, and she grinned before kissing his cheek. Harley was ahead as she head into the woods behind the three boys, but she wasn't far enough to not be able to hear the conversation between Octavia and Clarke. She tried to pretend she didn't care, but the odd pit in the bottom of her chest told a different story.

"Before you get any ideas, Finn is mine."

"Before you get any ideas, I don't care."

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