Hanging Out

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      I'm on the bus with everyone now, and we're almost to my house. "Guys this is my stop!" I told them. "Okay I can't wait to do many fun things today." Scott tells me. Mitch then tells me that every day for him is boring.
      We're in my house now. "Hey guys can we try and sing together? I want to see what we all sound like together. "If I sound like poop, it is going to be because of the stress you're putting me under missy!" Mitch sassed and we all start cracking up. "Hey! We should sing something by Lady Gaga!" Scott suggests. "Yeah that sounds good, what about 'Telephone'?" I asked. "Yeah! Can we be an acapella group? I taught myself how to sing bass. " Avi said. Kevin's expression looked unsure. "I don't know if acapella is my thing because I play the Cello. " Kevin told us. "Don't worry! Once in a while, we can use the Cello. We can do a couple arrangements with the Cello. " Scott says. I begin getting extremely exited. "YAY! Guys we should arrange 'Telephone'!" I exclaimed. "Before we begin, we need to see what parts we all sing. " Avi tells us. "Yeah true. I have a Piano in my basement." I say.
      We all go down into the basement and get to work. We then, after like an hour, we all figure out our parts. Scott is Baritone, Mitch is Counter Tenor (Soprano, Alto, and Tenor.) I'm a Soprano and an Alto, Kevin is a Tenor, and Avi is a bass, which doesn't surprise me based on how low his voice is when he talks alone. We then begin to arrange "Telephone" by Lady Gaga.

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