The Next Day After School

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Scott, Mitch, Kevin, Avi, and I all arrived at my bus stop. We all got off the bus together. "Hey guys, do y'all wanna take a group selfie?" I asked. "Yea sure!" They all replied. I quickly took out my phone and pulled out the camera. "Okay everyone say cheese!" I quickly said before snapping a picture of the five of us. They all start laughing and I join in because you know, why not?

All of the sudden I start thinking, and they have no idea I'm a music nerd. Oh god... thoughts begin to race through my mind. What if they make fun of me? For which different kinds of music I like? What if they judge me when they see my room? My room has a grand piano and a mini recording studio in it. I have tons of posters in my room of my favorite instruments and artists.

We are walking down my street and soon after, we arrive at my house. My mom works late on Tuesday's so, I have the house all to myself until then. She gets done working at 7pm. We all are walking in the house and I asked if they wanted any snacks. Everyone said they weren't hungry at the moment.

"Hey Kirstie, can we go upstairs to see your room?" Mitch asked. "Yea sure come on!" I replied with a smile. While we are walking up the stairs, my mind begins to race again... Oh my god they're going upstairs with me to see my room! What do I do!? I don't want them judging me like I was back in middle school... We reach my bedroom door and when I begin to open it, my hand begins to shake. "Kirstie, are you alright?" Kevin asked. "Yeah just nervous because no one has been in my room before accept for my parents haha." I replied nervously. I open the door and we all walk in.

All I hear are loud gasps. They're all behind me so I turn around to see their faces. They're all just standing there with their mouths open. "Like what you see?" I chuckle and they all say "hell yes!" In unison. "I didn't think you guys would like music as much as I do!" I exclaimed. "I know I do! My mom was a choir director and she taught me how to conduct!" Kevin says. "Mitch and I kinda sing... to be honest, I love music also. It's the only thing that keeps me sane!" Scott tells me. "But the only thing is, Scott and I used to get bullied so we stopped singing..." Mitch says. Oh my gosh did he really just say that!? "Really!? Same!" I replied. We all began talking about what parts of the things we got bullied about. In a surprise, Kevin and Avi also got bullied!

"So y'all wanna play a game or...?" I asked. They all said yes. "Truth or dare?" I ask. "Yes! Momma loves that game!" Mitch exclaims. We all start bursting out laughing.

After a long game, it was Kevin's turn again. "Kevin truth or dare?" I ask. "Hm... I'm gonna go with a dare this time." He replied. "I dare you to show us one of your weird or secret talents that no one knows about you." I said. Everyone goes ooh! When he begins to think. "Okay I got it! Y'all ready?" He asks. "Yes!" We all yell out in unison. Then he begins doing something that was unexpected. VERY unexpected. HE STARTS BEATBOXING! "Oh my god Kevin! That was AMAZING!" I exclaimed. Everyone else is cheering also! "Wow oh my gosh I had no idea!" Avi says. "Hey guys." I call out. "Yea?" They all said. "We should form a band..."

Arlington HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora