The truth Chapter 5, Book 1

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'What are we gonna do now? I just want to go home Luke.' I sobbed. Luke and I sat in front of eachother, back turned to the others.

'Yeah. Me too.' A tear fell down his cheeck. He whiped it off with his hand, trying to hide it. Suddenly I felt a shock, making Luke look around worried.

'What is happening?' I yelled. The arena shook like an earthquake. Luke helped me up, and together we ran to the others. It didn't stop, making me grabbing Luke's hand, pulling him close to me. Nick leaned on Peeta's shoulder, looking around as worried as we all were.

'What do we do?!!' I yelled to Luke.

'Let's go to the desert, there are no trees there!' Peeta heared him too and nodded. We all ran to it, dodging the fallen and falling trees. And then it stopped. Everything stopped. We heared a loud buzz and suddenly everything was gone. All the trees. The sky. Everything. We just stood in a black room, as big as the whole arena. The arena is.. A hologram?

'Where are we?' Nick said. He wanted to lean on his leg, but he winced.

'I-I don't know...' I said quietly, still suprised we were out of the arena. A door opened, making the light flow into the room and burning my eyes. I covered my eyes with my arm.

'Guys! Guys you need to get out of here!' I slowly removed my arm, seeing a black appearance standing in the doorway.

'Fast!' It said when we hesitated. We all ran over the black ground, nothing different to the black walls and black ceilling. We reached the door, seeing Ivette standing there.

'Ivette!' My voice was raspy, it hurted my throat to yell.

'I'll explain it later.' She said when I opened my mouth to ask something. It suprised me how fit she was, she didn't really look like it. Yeah I know, when I reapeted it in my head it sounded really mean.

We walked to another door, with a strong rythm in our step so we are ready to run anytime we needed. Nicks head was sweaty, and his leg didn't seem to get any better after the little work out we just had. I was happy to be out that arena, that hell. Happy to stand on steady ground in stead of sandy, wet grounds with out any source of food in the biggest part of the arena. But the games aren't over. No, they just started over again. And that's the part you'd rather be dead.

Hey guys,, I didn't update in a long, long time... I'm sorry and I hope you like this chapter!

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